523 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(722174966);] : 2007/11/27 (月) 16:38:58 ID: achcKWt9
It is glad that there is a person who tries to learn Japan like you.
If it wants to know Japan more deeply, I want you to read the Tanka.
The Tanka have a Japan Soul still now.
In other words It's calling "Yamato Damashii".
But the Tanka use poetry and old style Japanese words, so even the modern Japanese fails to understand.
It is defended thanks to this difficulty, and it has fascinated people's minds a long time.
Touch the one of the Japan cultural essences and feel it.
In doing so you'll get the experience it's making a becoming a good manager of this PINKBBS more.
This is I hope now.
524 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(601812465);] : 2007/11/27 (月) 16:42:59 ID: achcKWt9
Oh no...my serious words is spoiled thanks to >>522.