Ok, I will move >>284's thread for setup servers.
- 288 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3830876);] : 2007/09/16 (土) 15:11:48 ID: a3B/7VLK
- >>284 >>286
Ok, I will move >>284's thread for setup servers. - 301 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3284249);] : 2007/09/16 (土) 18:42:05 ID: a3B/7VLK
- >>299
Jim-san, please read my writing at that thread carefully.
Users can get both original pastlogs and past live threads in idol.
e.g. http://pie.bbspink.com/club/dat/
79-san, please do not make a confusion anymore. - 302 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2736656);] : 2007/09/16 (土) 18:51:40 ID: a3B/7VLK
- >>301
> e.g. http://pie.bbspink.com/club/dat/
should be: http://idol.bbspink.com/club/dat/ . Sorry.
And I will go to bed now, it is 3:50 am in Saitama.
Good night, it will be fine tomorrow. - 332 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1368735);] : 2007/09/17 (日) 04:48:02 ID: a3B/7VLK
- Jim-san,
Our best next step is preparation of a big and tough pastlog server.
It protects property of everybody.
I strongly recommend we must not touch banana702 after it is completed.
Again, the crashed data cannot recover anymore.
Please understand it.
-- Mumumu - 333 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1915373);] : 2007/09/17 (日) 04:50:05 ID: a3B/7VLK
- > Again, the crashed data cannot recover anymore.
May be "cannot be recovered".
Sorry, my English skill is still elementarily.