
66 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2007/07/11 (火) 08:43:54 ID: ecp+o/yW
I will take a look at the email. Hope your friend will be ok
Does this delete request follow the rules of http://deleter.bbspink.com
67 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2007/07/11 (火) 08:55:23 ID: ecp+o/yW
I think a lot of this problem is caused by the fact that 79 is actually
thinking and maybe some others are not thinking. I feel that 79
must be trying to make things better, and not worse for the blocking team.
I know 79 enough to know that just making a system without thinking is not
79's way,
I am not sure but probably the system was put together with many people THINKING
and testing if it was going to be good or not. I am guessing that
this system is probably just needing some input from the blocking team if they
get time to look at it.
I doubt that it was put to anyone at all in a draconian way, and probably if it
turns out to be a good system it would be good for 2ch as well. Since 2ch operates in
a similar manner to bbspink.
As for selfish, hmmm. I don't see a lot of selfish, but mostly people trying to help
other people out and have a little fun
68 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2007/07/11 (火) 08:56:38 ID: ecp+o/yW
Sorry friend, but its Greek to me.
69 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2007/07/11 (火) 09:05:53 ID: ecp+o/yW
Thanks for the laugh
71 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2007/07/11 (火) 09:20:26 ID: ecp+o/yW
I have read your email, and am sure it qualifies to be deleted.
You do have to follow the rules for that on the deletion board though
so many requests it has to be done by the rules with nobody getting
favorite treatment for it.
What do you mean get rid of the particular person? That sounds criminal to me.
That part we can't do anything about although the person probably belongs on someone's
better off dead list. We absolutely can't do anything about or to the posters on
this site, that is technically, morally and physically impossible.

I hope the situation does get better soon.
74 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2007/07/11 (火) 09:37:54 ID: ecp+o/yW
>>72 I am sure someone will see it. It just takes time, that is a completely
volunteer system and they do it when they have free time. I don't do
it because everytime I do it people get so angry at me. I can't win deleting, or not deleting.
828 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/26 (火) 08:58:38 ID: WUnhPn+o