( ゚∀゚)∩ 押忍!
- 200 : Translator ◆DQN/9/VVV. : 2008/03/20 (水) 06:54:07 ID: yRg1xH2p
- _ ossu !
( ゚∀゚)∩ 押忍! - 202 : TranslatorDeRo ★ [sage] : 2008/03/20 (水) 09:33:59 ID: ???
- 押忍 is one of Japanese greetings.
It was mainly used by Martial artists such as karate,kendo,and judo.
押=push/beat down and 忍=undergo.
押忍 means beat down one's ego and control oneself.
Today 押忍 is used among not only martial artists, but also cheer groups.
Have you ever seen male students in black uniforms and towels tied around their head?
They say 押忍 to senior students when they mean "Yes,sir!"
Incidentally, there is another おす.
It is a shortened form of おはようございます(good morning).
used between close friends,or young boys who would like to act like a grown-up.