315 : 主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U [sage] : 2008/04/08 (月) 12:44:42 ID: C4YTvTWj
The first game is on 5/1, so everyone is preparing for their game.

People at FLASH board has prepared flashes for 全板トーナメント

Here is how you vote.
 ↓go to this url and get voting code like this [[2ch*-*********-**]]

 ↓go to 投票所 board and find the 投票スレッド(we haven't made it yet)

 Then vote by writing レス like this.

 6 名前:主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U [sage] 投稿日:2008/04/04(金) 23:43:00 ID:ntZ+ROjW
 <<pink秘密基地>> rules!!!
317 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/04/08 (月) 13:01:47 ID: C4YTvTWj 🧦
There is also thing called ラッシュ(Rush).
ラッシュ is when a lot of people get together and vote at the same time.

Here is example of ラッシュ by leaf-key board's CART-RACE at 1:00:00
They prepare cart AA and vote all together at 1:00:00.
About 100 people voted in one minute. (more if count wider range of time)
This is one of the things that's exciting about トーナメント.