50 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/05/01 (水) 12:45:24 ID: IGBbSofS
It is envied.
She has nice bust that drip the water.
D-cup is the best size of bust for me.
How much size is her cup?

   ∩ _ _   ≡=−
   ミ(゚∀゚ ) ≡=−Oppai!Oppai!
    ミ⊃ ⊃    ≡=−
     (⌒ __)っ   ≡=−

  −=≡    _ _ ∩
 −=≡   ( ゚∀゚)彡  Oppai!Oppai!
−=≡   ⊂  ⊂彡
 −=≡   ( ⌒)
  −=≡  c し'
51 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/05/01 (水) 13:55:20 ID: ckjJuJpG
oppai! oppai!!

   _ _
  ( ゚∀゚)
  (  ∩ミ  boonboon
   | ωつ,゙
   し ⌒J

    _, ,_
  ( ゚Д゚)  GAN!!
  (  ∩ミ ____
   | ωつ☆
   し ⌒J |

      _ _  ξ
    (´   `ヽ、
  ⊂,_と(    )⊃