801 : エキサイト翻訳使ってますw [sage] : 2008/10/02 (水) 00:50:19 ID: Pvv75JqY
I felt "Emphasis deletion object" taking advantage of the event that
got up in certain "Thread" and I felt the doubt in doing the report
request by "Nameless".
What is the deletion request …?
It is a conduct oneself like the city office for me and it wants it.
802 : エキサイト翻訳使ってますw [sage] : 2008/10/02 (水) 01:07:37 ID: Pvv75JqY
The thing of which it informs the deletion request by "Nameless" is
an easy thing.
The thing to inform the deletion request of "Emphasis deletion object"
by "Nameless" is an easy thing.
However, will doing by "Nameless" to inform of "Emphasis deletion object"
that the thing that the truth confirms is difficult be a suitable method?
803 : エキサイト翻訳使ってますw [sage] : 2008/10/02 (水) 01:20:09 ID: Pvv75JqY
I think.
Is the person who requests "Deletion with a difficult judgment of
the truth" good in "Nameless"?


I'm sorry it discontinues it here because there is private use once.