- 141 : jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2008/05/12 (日) 03:25:42 ID: kiT/7/82
- >>131
おっす - 142 : jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2008/05/12 (日) 03:27:09 ID: kiT/7/82
- I have been traveling and not able to be online. I will get caught up now, and answer my backlog.
- 241 : ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] : 2008/05/30 (木) 16:48:29 ID: 7+n3Ga1k
- Jimさん こんにちは
I inform it of the progress of the report system.
The mail setting of "Block@bbspink.com" requested coordination to 79-san.
It is waited to be set now.
The change of a local rule of the PINK regulation discussion board (PINK規制議論板) was requested to 79-san.
I wait for this to be set.
When these two points do set completion, I begin the report work to ISP.
>>177-178 is a stage working out a strategy.
If a report to an ISP is completed and calms down, I start it in earnest.
I'm sorry as information to Jim-san is occasional. - 585 : ◆SEVEN/xSuE [sage] : 2008/09/05 (木) 18:44:48 ID: 7/8g/iJe
- あはは。