351 : ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] : 2008/11/26 (火) 11:29:04 ID: E4Xh/2J/

I forwarded mail.
Please confirm it.
352 : ◆SEVEN/xSuE [sage] : 2008/11/26 (火) 11:45:44 ID: e8REvICZ
Wow great!

The person of pushing the button is reffi-san 報告人-2ch.
and he/she is under Hiroyuki-san's control.
So Hiroyuki-san's instruction is necessary.
In other words we need you and Hiroyuki say "GO"

So please declare here to Hiroyuki-san about OK or NO cancellation writing ban.
And EROyVmNwwM-san takes Hiroyuki-san anyhow................?
We just say we have 報告人&解除判断人 already.