114 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/08 (水) 00:24:32 ID: Gk0YmxBx
Really? I never heard of that.
I have another member who never sent me any messages.
Now, I'm wondering if I should response, because one says his e-mail address
ends with".de" that means from Germany.
And I have several people who I know
Another's address ends with ".com", but it also shows messages.
So, I'm doubt if they are spams.
115 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/08 (水) 04:42:57 ID: Gk0YmxBx
The German appeared my friend.
116 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/08 (水) 05:51:45 ID: Gk0YmxBx
Oh, he was not my friend.
Here below are his... somethin.

How are you (I answered gently "I'm busy, and you?")
What the fuck
I wanna know if i know u or no
if not piss, shut up and go away

What a hell is this? Is he crazy, or what?
Firstaball, he didn' show me even a pic. of him, so I couldn' identify him.
Next time I saw the message, he showed his face.
So, I started to talk to him, but what's this?

I tell u, Germans are just good at studying. Nothing else.
A girl looks in my room as if she took her deed for granted.
They smoke and drink in public.
I don7
117 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/08 (水) 05:52:58 ID: Gk0YmxBx
I don' like them, or even hate them.
They are negatively crazy.

Sorry for missposting.