
348 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/26 (日) 16:51:28 ID: J/uepDao
I wanna visit Antarctica, anyway.
I know an opportunity to go there in a group.
But it costs about more than 10,000.
I gave up my dream at the moment to notice that.
And I now live in Kimberley, small town, in Canada.
Donut shop is a good idea although we have a bakery
And now, I remember there is a coffee shop which also sells donuts!

Btw, I don't really get >>346.
353 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 01:22:54 ID: J/uepDao
I'm Osakan, now, past time 'n in the future.
It will never change and I'm not willing to.
And I'm sure Canada is great. I'll be back some day after I leave here.
But, my future goal is to be a great teacher, especially English one in Japan.
So, I cannot be a baker, even though it's good to be a baker.
Maybe, I will tell this idea to someone.
We shouldn't miss any great opportunities, should we?
355 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 02:21:23 ID: J/uepDao
Is that a quote?
357 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 02:46:13 ID: J/uepDao
Well, dope will just make someone stranger, I guess.
359 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 03:20:19 ID: J/uepDao
Should I start practicing my own signature?
I wonder which I should, in Japanese or English...
361 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 03:57:46 ID: J/uepDao
All the Chinese I have seen here is working in Chinese Restaurant.
And I have seen more Korean than Chinese.
Btw, lots of Japanese can write only childish Japanese.
Also those Japanese can easily be mean.
That's an important difference.
363 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 04:33:56 ID: J/uepDao
It also seems to be a quote.
Well, that's riight.
365 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/27 (月) 05:30:48 ID: J/uepDao
I've never watched it, though.

Bye, I have to get asleep now, I guess.
But before I leave, I wanna leave a question.
I'm thinking to have my Handle Name.
Can I ask you, Jim, to name me?
Good night.
852 : ◆CHINPOGEDU : 2009/03/21 (金) 17:56:34 ID: jNilLX/j
It was finally deregulated my ISP and I can write anywhere without Cap:)