648 : 名無し編集部員 : 2009/07/06 (日) 17:56:19 ID: uhG407hN
> Please ask Jim a question in place of me.

> I have such a memory.
> It is reasons of TARAKO to have divided a system of the deletion of PINK and 2channel.
> Circumstances of TARAKO disappear now.
> TARAKO does not have the right of the system of the deletion now.
> I want to know why I must continue dividing a deletion system.
> What is the reason that must continue dividing a deletion system?
649 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/07/07 (月) 00:10:40 ID: GH1c2urJ
650 : 名無し編集部員 : 2009/07/07 (月) 04:01:48 ID: uhG407hN
> Please ask Jim a question in place of me.

> I have such a memory.
> It is reasons of BIGTARAKO to have divided a system of the deletion of PINK and 2channel.
> Circumstances of BIGTARAKO disappear now.
> TARAKO does not have the right of the system of the deletion now.
> I want to know why I must continue dividing a deletion system.
> What is the reason that must continue dividing a deletion system?