669 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/07/08 (火) 01:38:55 ID: 6dScEDRw
News 【社会】海外の児童ポルノサイトのURLをネット掲示板に貼ったパチンコ店店員ら逮捕、掲示板開設の少年を送検へ★2

News Summary
Kanagawa prefecture police dept. announced that they have
arrested 2 men for posting oversea's child porn site URL (text)
link to a BBS on violation of Japanese Prevention of Child Porn Act.
The criminals have already sentenced as guilty and 500,000yen fine.

The police will be also plan to prosecute BBS administrator on
assistance to the violation of the Act.
670 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/07/08 (火) 01:53:42 ID: 6dScEDRw
Fogot to add to the summary.

The BBS administrator was knowingly operating the BBS
that child porn link are posting by these criminals.
(means operating child porn referral BBS, not the same
situation as bbspink), hence the police will prosecute
him for the assistance.