477 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/02/25 (水) 06:46:46 ID: NrIJS+8R

>>472 is the person in charge of advertising posts blocking (Rock54 system) for 2ch (as well as bbspink)

He worries that there are lots of Child Porn DVD sales site ads in 2ch posted and its log says its hostname
is "PIE.us" and worries about PIE server is used as zombie bots or someting.

I personaly think that one of your rental server user (which does not set reverse DNS lookup) hosts
proxy server and posts these ads to 2ch though.

If you would like to obtain more information for tracking the offending user, please anchor >>472 and ask for it.
(I will translate it, if needed, too.)
478 : RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★ : 2010/02/25 (水) 07:42:45 ID: ???
pie.us does not have any other sites on it.
Maybe there is a dns problem? The person in charge of rock 54
is not in charge of advertisement on bbspink. Are you talking about
blocking spam advertisements?
479 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/02/25 (水) 08:59:43 ID: NrIJS+8R
Rock54 system is the way of kicking advertisements as much as possible for 2ch/bbspink.
The person in charge of Rock54 system receives reports at below thread from 2ch/bbspink users
and register the new advertisement to Rock54 system.

ものすごい勢いで広告・宣伝を報告するスレ 184

So, it is not just for 2ch. bbspink receives the benefit as well.
Rock54 system keeps logs of the registered advertisement for blocking purpose.
And the person in charge of Rock54(>>472) finds the hostname "PIE.us" from the
Rock54 logs and asked about the possibility of zombie bots inside the PIE.us server.
480 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/02/25 (水) 09:02:25 ID: NrIJS+8R
Ah. forgot to mention. above advertisement is meant to be "SPAM advertisement" posts.
481 : RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★ : 2010/02/25 (水) 10:25:29 ID: ???
Oh, no it is not that. The default dns for those ips the servers are in is pie.us.
Nobody every changed it. That is the ip that the 2ch server is on.
He is seeing the 2ch server in the logs.
Yes, I understand spam advertisement. There is an official advertising agency
that is taking care of the ads on Bbspink. Hopefully they will be able to sell all
the advertising spots. It is a real help. http://bbs-ad.com/
482 : 479 [sage] : 2010/02/25 (水) 13:49:16 ID: +fWEQvPy
IP ranges - belong to the
NT Technology and some of these IP addresses points to "PIE.us"
hostname. If none of them are used for rental server and its security are
solid enough, it might be because the spammer set the false reverse
DNS lookup info on their DNS server.

PIE.us は2ちゃんねるサーバーのホスト名で、過去に誰も変更したことが
483 : RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★ : 2010/02/25 (水) 22:39:01 ID: ???
That is a big block of ips.
484 : (^-^)犬 ◆VET4349ZB. [sage] : 2010/02/26 (木) 00:12:16 ID: 7mjfHxAC
