754 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/04/04 (土) 07:14:16 ID: HyhQ/34c
Do you use ●(maru, 2-channel viewer) ?
If you use ● or CAP, you can skip BBQ regulation.

However, in some 2-channel management boards(operate, sec2chd),
even if you use ●, your name gets BBQ sign "[―{}@{}@{}-]".
760 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/04/04 (土) 08:57:12 ID: HyhQ/34c
Oops, goki board does not use BBQ,
but the end of top page has "+BBQ" sign...

However, certainly goki board does not BBQ...
761 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/04/04 (土) 09:05:17 ID: HyhQ/34c
Even if you are listed in BBQ, you can write in goki board.
It is because goki board has a thread to make BBQ delist application.

And like operate board and sec2chd board, BBQ listed host's name gets BBQ sign "[―{}@{}@{}-]" in goki board.