119 : xerxes.maido3.net @Apparently admin ★ : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:00:30 ID: ???
I hope people understand my thinking on building a VPN service. It has nothing to do with p2. Although it can replace that very easily, since it goes to the next level and assigns the user an IP that is not a shared proxy.
It is not to replace any current service that is used for accessing Pink Channel. Most people
can access already and post without paying any charge to anyone. Some people happen to share proxy connections and isps with real bad guys and trolls. Those people are affected. They can get relief from using my VPN service.
VPN provides a tunnel from your un-secure location, to a secure data center in the United States before accessing a web site. This can be a benefit to someone that is doing transactions from an internet cafe, or is traveling. It is a service designed to elevate an individual from being a possible hacker or fraudster, to a possible consumer or trusted character. We are using this as a stepping stone system as we finish our ipv4 to ipv6 system that will empower
internet users with thousands of unique IPs that are directly assigned to individual users.
There are some fun reasons for using a VPN as well. Since the IPs are assigned to my company headquarters in the State of Nevada. You can get access to American content and websites, that are blocked from Asia. I was watching American TV from my office this morning. Before using the VPN, my office was blocked from this service. It is a sort of geo racism that a VPN service can equalize.
120 : [sage] : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:14:34 ID: WGdWLi1M
121 : xerxes.maido3.net @Apparently admin ★ : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:19:53 ID: ???
This is no such thing as a Pink p2. There never has been such a thing. p2 just happened to work. Thats all.
122 : [sage] : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:30:15 ID: WGdWLi1M
123 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:36:50 ID: oAedt4Zj
124 : [sage] : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:40:17 ID: WGdWLi1M
125 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/05/28 (木) 17:46:21 ID: MK9Uzc7f
127 : 名無し編集部員 : 2010/05/28 (木) 19:53:59 ID: sIHG5P+P
128 : didi ★ [sage] : 2010/05/28 (木) 21:38:16 ID: ???
i love rainy day but with thunder is very scary out here.
so,how are you doing today? i hope you're feeling well.

the things going on around you now is really bothering me too.
i'd like to say "go ahead and do whatever you wanna do."
in the end,it really doesn't matter,this is your site.
but i also understand how much you care for bbspink user.
that's why it is hard for you to make a decision without them.i feel for you.
at least ,you have a great great day!!