648 : ( ○ ´ ー ` ○ ) 西澤桃華 ◆Momoca3cMo [sage] : 2011/01/25 (月) 01:45:39 ID: fmKrptGi
Christ's peace
★BE system has been dead since the previous hacking war.
★So has been BE_TYPE2 for BE system itself being dead.
Please redeem the BE system asap.

【How BE System Works】
1. Emphasis on the "individualism"
2. You can give points to those who write something cool both on 2Ch and PinkCh.
3. More pts. changes your status.
4. In addition to ID, the profile works as another id.
5. Fun time at 2ch security (idk this is right word, to be honest. something about trading stuff.) and icon-exchange.

【BE_TYPE2 System Works】
1. Many BBSs are suffering from random building of threads, especially ones caused through the use of ●; BE_TYPE2 is a great solution for it.
2. Only a person who logs in to BE and has more than 1000 BE pts. can build a new thread, if it be done.
3. On PinkCh, they introduced this system on 半角二次元掲示板(http://yomi.bbspink.com/ascii2d/) and it solved the problem. They will probably put this on other BBSs accordingly.

【the display of a BE account】
> 1 名前: 名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ 投稿日: 2011/01/04(火) 12:51:43 ID:/NK/+ZhA● ?PLT(26763)
> http://img.2ch.net/ico/nagato.gif                         ★This is BE ↑ ↑
【My Account】
649 : ( ○ ´ ー ` ○ ) 西澤桃華 ◆Momoca3cMo [sage] : 2011/01/25 (月) 01:46:48 ID: fmKrptGi



・PINKちゃんねるでは、半角二次元掲示板(http://yomi.bbspink.com/ascii2d/) に導入され

> 1 名前: 名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ 投稿日: 2011/01/04(火) 12:51:43 ID:/NK/+ZhA● ?PLT(26763)
> http://img.2ch.net/ico/nagato.gif                        ★これがbe表示↑ ↑