
767 : 名無し編集部員 : 2013/08/30 (木) 15:00:00 ID: RcdeVU/9 🧦
logsoku is a pirate site. Do you think they would listen?
769 : 名無し編集部員 : 2013/08/30 (木) 15:00:00 ID: RcdeVU/9 🧦
780 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/30 (木) 15:00:00 ID: RcdeVU/9
I believe I was quite clear. Working on servers now. Maybe Facebook is your
784 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/30 (木) 15:00:00 ID: RcdeVU/9
That might be a good idea to bring those disks there and put them in
the safekeeping there. Would you suggest I bring them there and deposit
them with the detectives?
Currently I have formally reported to the MIC, the police put them in
contact with me.
I think they are connected. Am I wrong?
786 : 名無し編集部員 : 2013/08/30 (木) 15:00:00 ID: RcdeVU/9 🧦
We do not store that.
787 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/30 (木) 15:00:00 ID: RcdeVU/9
That is me.