
632 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/10/14 (日) 10:43:40 ID: 35/qRT9X
Dear Jim-san
Good evening. It’s good day. However, it is very regrettable for me to tell you.
This morning, a staff of 2 channel posted below. I was very at a loss to read this.
This is a rough English translation.
698 名前: ◆StopSigica.r [sage] 投稿日:2013/10/14(月) 05:05:03.70 ID:ma2NHJr60
They will be exposed what has posted and they are so afraid about it. (This staff has
unveiled how to read old log of 2channel)

Frankly speaking, Those who buy ● have to accept the risk of the leaking personal
data. However the exposure of personal data of them hardly happens on purpose, there
is a risk.

Posting itself in Japanese
698 名前: ◆StopSigica.r [sage] 投稿日:2013/10/14(月) 05:05:03.70 ID:ma2NHJr60

He should not say such a thing. In other words, he is foolish. He has insulted not only the
maru users but also you to try to cure them of the damage.

I highly appreciate it if you would give your objection to his posting at the soonest time possible.
635 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/10/14 (日) 14:37:20 ID: 35/qRT9X
O.K We have to be cool.

Good night.