473 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/07 (木) 18:44:44 ID: 8Bsrsvbu
Hello, Jim-san. I'm Anti-Afina people in Kenmo.

Actually, hate Japan people gathered in Kenmo.
It's begun to increase after 2012(anti-Afina started).
And, Many of Afina were using the Korean blog...
We Keamo residents are afflicted by invrease of anti-Japan thread for a long time.

※Example (They used hate word "ネトウヨ" "ジャップ" many times)
BE:202677 http://ame.hacca.jp/sasss/log-be.cgi?i=202677
BE:237128 http://ame.hacca.jp/sasss/log-be.cgi?i=237128
BE:285486 http://ame.hacca.jp/sasss/log-be.cgi?i=285486
BE:193569 http://ame.hacca.jp/sasss/log-be.cgi?i=193569

They settled anti-Japan people in Kenmo. And, they said "Kenmo was anti-Japan!!".
I suspect that patriot and anti-Japan are same sock puppets.

Afina "保守速報" is using the Korean blog(Livedoor), declaring itself a Japanese patriot.
"保守速報" is sock puppet Afina. They were copying the Anti-Japan thread(only 4ress!).

Liar and sock puppet and hate people are not concerned with a race, should be Ban.
And, I'm worried that Ronin and Maru used by Anti-race people.



474 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/07 (木) 19:41:09 ID: 8Bsrsvbu
Hate Japan people is now shouting in this thread.


They say "Livedoor Afina = Anti-Korea".
But Livedoor = Korea. I can't understand them.

Livedoor get the big damage by the anti-Afina act of 2ch people (include Kenmo).
And, Livedoor = Korea.
Now, where did hate Japan people come from?

I don't want to be a hate-people.
But, it's not desirable that my country is abused.

このスレッドで騒いでいる彼らは、ライブドア(韓国)のアフィーナは反韓国の右翼だ、と言っている。 わけがわからないよ。