797 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/03/23 (土) 03:55:40 ID: iVeNTPKI
Dear Jim,
Please exclude "getuploader" from your spam blacklist.
We use usually getuploader for uploading games and images of our own making.
Many bbspink users are disturbed to delete posts included "getuploader" automatically.


798 : Apparently admin ★ : 2014/03/23 (土) 04:03:04 ID: ???
I don't remember why getuploader is on
the spam list. Do you remember why?
799 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/03/23 (土) 04:08:23 ID: iVeNTPKI

I don't know the reason, too.
800 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/23 (土) 04:50:51 ID: VJpKEG4p
A vandal posted the getuploader URL all over the places
containing child porn or some personal infos, I don't remember which.
I suppose that either Jack-san registered it or Jack-san asked Jim-san
to register it.