Thank you very much, Mr. Jim. I
I was surprised that you have read really opinions here.
> Whistleblowers will be protected within the limits of US law.
Oh, Japanese authorities often disclosed the 2ch by frame-ups in old days.
This powerful reinforcements cheer whistleblowers, I think.
Japanese mass media is being corrupted with massive scale which you can hardly imagine:
Media reporters have LDPJ'S gratis dinners in a compartment room. Reporters easily cede the mind and are controlled.
A reporter says LDPJ holds gratis Offcon with a compartment room although the expenses are shared in the case of DPJ.
Reported by News Post Seven in Nov 4, 2014 at 7:00am JST.
(redundant part omitted.)
"Democratic Party of Japan's administration was meanness. Abe administration is different from that. A compartment room is reserved in a luxurious restaurant when the ruling party call us.
Of course, that's gratis. Therefore we wanna prop up them because the expenses were often shared in the case of DPJ.", an experienced reporter says.
It is LDPJ's tradition that LDPJ bribes reporters. What poor mind those reporters are, ceding their mind easily so much!
For not only Japanese people but also resistance against neo-Nazi marring the world, the 2ch is the last standing.
Some dubious troubles still emerge now though I cannot confirm whether Tamon did it or not. I think I will report phenomenons later.
I hope that God will bless Mr. Jim, Mr. Codemonkey, and the 2ch in this new year.