I heard sc is still crawling our logs...
- 89 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/03/14 (金) 11:57:18 ID: ANDqMHaI
- Is new API system working well?
I heard sc is still crawling our logs... - 90 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/03/14 (金) 12:28:16 ID: k9u7Q6Tn
- The aim of this API stuff is to kill open-source browsers
in order to force advertisement. That's all.
Crawlers with the lowest technology can easily avoid it. Don't even bother. - 91 : 名無し編集部員 : 2015/03/14 (金) 18:22:19 ID: F2YyZgqK
- What useless Jim did always ended with damaging innocent gentle users.
Pirating uses are never bothered with such changes. They can still pirate.
The guys operation 2ch has less brain than normal people, so they can't understand what they are doing is totally meaningless.