176 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/05/12 (月) 14:54:29 ID: AOE/n77p
it is difficult to find threads talk about studying abroad because these are in http://yomogi.2ch.net/english/
or http://wc2014.2ch.net/world/ or http://kanae.2ch.net/jsaloon/
please could you make a new board?

【board name】留学生活
 英訳 it is difficult to find threads talk about studying abroad because these are in http://yomogi.2ch.net/english/
or http://wc2014.2ch.net/world/ or http://kanae.2ch.net/jsaloon/
 英訳 talk about studying abroad
ENGLISH http://yomogi.2ch.net/english/
一般海外生活 http://wc2014.2ch.net/world/
大学受験サロン http://kanae.2ch.net/jsaloon/