Graham Turner ID: e5be1d A New Direct Democracy System July 17, 2022, 1:50 a.m. No.16749302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sick of the Westminster System?

Do you want truth, transparency and accountability in systems of governance.

Should the world run on money?

Or People?

We now have a Direct Democracy option.


Please check out the Quantum Management System at


Want to disable the elite?

Remove those they pay and control.

Vote on Policies rather than People or Parties.


We can use this app to make politicians obsolete and give the people back power over their own futures and structures of governance.


The QMS is a working conceptual model.

It requires further development prior to being implemented, I hope to find people along the way who will assist in this.

Implementation would be by Peoples Initiated Referendum and under Indigenous Sovereign Approval.