Anonymous ID: c44922 Part Three July 17, 2022, 4:13 p.m. No.16752850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They want to herd and eat us. They drink the blood of children and adults. They torture their meals into a state of fear that fills the blood with adrenaline. The blood drinking gets them high and prolongs health and beauty.

They must control humanity and remain hidden, or we would destroy them

To survive, they always work to destroy any society or nation that detects them.

Humanity has attempted to completely destroy them every time we have woken up to their evil.

The history of these temporary awakenings and triumphs over them are exactly what has been erased from history. History has been erased and replaced several times.


In their replacement history, humanity was nothing but primitive cavemen until they arrived to bring us the one true God, making them the oldest and wisest…in their narrative.

Their religion is the predecessor and foundation of Christianity and Islam…two religions locked in mortal combat from the start…divide and conquer.

Their motive for destroying civilizations and return humanity to a “dark age” is simple.

They want to make human blood and human flesh easier to obtain without being discovered.

They are few and strive to keep the human population low, blind and primitive.


The world we are living now has been manipulated by servants os Satan in official positions worldwide…manipulated with their one hideously destructive purpose.


Officials outside the bloody club are blackmailed with sexual indiscretions that are recorded in massive honeypot operations. Epstein Island is one example. Rachel Chandler’s operation is another. These honeypot operations are conducted by intelligence agencies worldwide. These agencies specialize in infiltration and blackmailing high level people who would be beneficial to their control. These agencies serve Satanism in a faustian bargain (selling ones soul to the devil) that give them unlimited funds and god-like power over the masses, who go into debt bondage, supplying those unlimited funds.


They, through control of these secretive agencies, place agents in all the vocations needed to control information and use the masses they trick as a weapons against anyone or any group standing in the way of their long range plans to destroy nations from within over generations of time.

The satanic hand controlling and destroying humanity has remained the same, but has gone by many names throughout history, remaining hidden behind the chaos, hatred and destruction they created with nothing more that lies, bribes and concealment.


The history of the world has been changed to fit their narrative and conceal their destructive actions. In many cases, heroes were made villains and vice versa.

They, also, made history begin with them. The flesh eating “satanists” want humanity primitive and living like free range chickens, who are easy to control and slaughter at will.

Anonymous ID: 29e4a0 July 17, 2022, 7:54 p.m. No.16754282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

May I ask you why you care so? Great and worried you are. Fear you have much of. Why are you giving "They" such great power?