Anonymous ID: b91d4a The blinding nature of "science" July 18, 2022, 3:59 a.m. No.16755971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How many leaders throughout history have declared themselves “gods” on Earth?

Are there any fruitcakes in lofty positions attempting that historically successful public relations move today?

Any megalomaniacal demons attempting to erase God from human consciousness and concocting a way to rule the Earth as the new infallible gods?

Is “science” attempting to replace God, using the old “everything other than our teachings and texts is wrong” method, that when bolstered by rabid and violent devotees has successfully altered human belief systems throughout history?

Has “science” abandoned their own empirical method that once separated science from spiritual beliefs?

Has science abandoned the empirical method to gain political control and dictate every facet of human life with fast and loose findings, published and agreed upon by controlled minions?

Does the “settled science” have to jive in any way with observable facts?

Do rabid and violent devotees bolster anything science dreams up and publishes, no matter how observably, provably stupid it is to all rational, law bidding adults?

“Science” is one crappy excuse for a new religion, but oh how the demons try, making full use of pomposity, media theatrics and violent minions to bolster it.