Anonymous ID: 2779c8 Fake News Fake History July 19, 2022, 3:35 a.m. No.16761497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cain and Able made sacrifices to God, as the story goes.

Cain is said to be a farmer. Able is said to be a herdsman.

The story says that God was more pleased with Able’s first born of his flock blood sacrifices than He was with Cain’s portion of his crop sacrifices.

Cain, driven by jealousy, murdered Able.

God cursed Cain to roam the Earth as a vagabond.

The descendants of Cain, sometimes called the “Canaanites” were known for smithing metals, music and herding. Most of the nomadic peoples (vagabonds) of the ancient world were known for these skills, so exactly when did Cain’s descendants transition from farmers to herdsmen hellbent on infiltrating and destroying farming settlements that grow into cities and ultimately nations?

There are alternate versions of the Cain and Able story that cast Able as the farmer and Cain as the blood sacrificing herdsmen. Was the truth altered by the spread of fake news?


Fake News becomes fake history.

Fake News lies by omission and doesn’t report important stories.

Fake News deliberately alters stories to keep many truths hidden.

“Tell a lie sound enough and long enough and it becomes fact.”…Ancient wisdom?


History is full of mysterious ends to nations that are blamed on mysterious nomadic (vagabonds) invaders that herd animals and smith metals.

Though histories and information survive about the victims, the invaders are always a mystery about which little is known.

I say these herdsman, blacksmith, musicians infiltrate, destroy peoples and hide their own history.

Today, the vagabonds hide their destructive deeds in realtime with false stories, confusing narratives and lies of omission.

The descendants of Cain have been doing so since the days of Adam.

To this day, the music industry is overtly Satanic.

To this day, blood sacrifice and bloody pursuits are widely practiced, yet remain hidden behind Fake News.

To this day…Why is steel so important?

