Anonymous ID: 494bc9 Star Wars July 20, 2022, 7:09 p.m. No.16771718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2/19/2016 Darth Vader died

2/19/2016 is 14 months or 420 days to 4/11/2017

4/11/2017 Kylo Ren is arrested on Planet Naboo by the blackshirts

4/11/2017 is 14 months or 420 days to 7/4/2018

7/4/2018 Kylo Ren is freed from the concentration camp of the blackshirts

7/4/2018 is 14 months or 420 days to 9/11/2019

9/11/2019 The Corona Virus is intentionally released from the blackshirts location in China in retaliation aginst the blackshirts

9/11/2019 is 14 months or 420 days to 12/25/2020

12/25/2020 Kylo Ren is tortured on Christmas

12/25/2020 is 14 months or 420 days to 2/24/2022

2/24/2022 Russia starts WW3 in the Ukraine on a mission to de-nazifiy the world in retaliation against the blackshirts

2/24/2022 is 14 months or 420 days to 5/31/2023

5/31/2023 Doomsday

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:03 p.m. No.16778702   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“The poor are crazy, the rich just eccentric.” - James Shin Hoo


7/25/1986 was the day Thomas Blobaum was born

7/25/1986 is 14 days to 8/8 [1][2]

7/25 is the reason the White Power call sign is written as 14/8/8, and this is known in the streets

7/25 is known as Christmas in July and also the White Power day of the year in the streets

Thomas Blobaum’s birthday is 14 days 14 months 14 years to 9/11/2001 [3]

The World Trade Center Tower 7 building was an office location of the CIA and collapsed at 4:20 Central Standard Time [24]

420 is a biblical number used in politics by Jews (most commonly to refer to smoking marijuana or Adolf Hitler, or the Queen of England).

The WTC 7 building falling at 4:20 Central Standard Time is an indication that we might not know everything there is to know about this building.

It is officially known the same people (Osama bin Laden) who planned 9/11 also planned the sequel on 10/12/2002 which was a Bali bomb which killed about 200 people.

10/12/2002 a Bali bomb took 202 [4]

10/12/2002 rhymes with 9/11/2001 and Bali bomb rhymes with Blobaum


Is Thomas Blobaum’s birthday just a coincidence or is this evidence of a conspiracy? Are the 9/11/2001 terror attacks evidence of an international conspiracy following the Blobaum family, more specifically Roger Blobaum and Thomas Blobaum, and including all three children of Lorraine and Matthew Blobaum?


Let’s examine the details. According to one source [5] about 10,000 people were born on 7/25/1986. According to Quora about 1,500 rhymes exist in the English language. If we assume everything is evenly distributed then about 7 people were born in America on 7/25/1986 whose names rhyme with Bali bomb. There’s about a 1 in 52 million chance that someone’s birthday would signal to 9/11 and White Power this much, with four 14s and an 88, and also rhyme with the sequel to 9/11, which was the Bali bomb, on 10/12/2002. Thomas Blobaum is likely to be the only one (of the 7 Americans born with these qualities) who descends from a long line of politicians and the grandson of a man known as the world’s greatest organic activist, a man who dealt with conspiracy successfully for decades, Dr. Roger Blobaum. [6] Thomas Blobaum is also likely to be the only one (of these 7 Americans) who comes from the old upper class of the modern world.

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:04 p.m. No.16778708   🗄️.is 🔗kun


America is run by Jews. America is the most Jewish country in the world outside Israel, with about 6 million Jews. About 1 in 50 people in America have the blood of Abraham. Only 2% of Americans are Jewish yet about 10% of the US Congress is Jewish.[7] Jews are over-represented in politics and government. The Jews have had a hold on America since WW2 and the “permanent bureaucracy” of the federal and world governments is mostly Jewish. [8]


The Nebraska Blackshirts are the Blackshirts of history [9][10] and their weapon is corn, and more specifically, GMO corn, which is their final solution for their class and race problem. National Security Study Memorandum 200 [11] and the declassified Kissinger Report [12] talk about how the Nixon Administration wanted to “depopulate” the third world. In as little as 10 to 15 years from now the majority of Americans will need fertility treatment in order to have children. [13] This is going to happen because of the trace amounts of chemicals people are ingesting with their food, especially food that was produced using GMO corn. When this happens there will be a civil war. There is already a “war within our borders” according to many politicians, which is occurring because of the decline of the white race and the problem of white flight. [14] When the civil war really starts to pick up [15], with the decline of the white race [16] and the fertility crisis, the people of the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy may try to seize power with an authoritative regime. Some people believe Trump already tried to do this with the events of Jan 6. [17] When this happens the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy may try to make Lincoln into the new Washington, and as the revolution escalates Lincoln may become extremely anti-Semitic, and if so a nuclear bomb may go off in or nearby Lincoln in retaliation against the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy. All of these events were foreseen decades ago by men with special knowledge about the human gene pool and the nations of the world, of history, of the decline of the white race, and of the true nature of the trace amounts of herbicides and pesticides left on the food, of NSSM 200 and the Kissinger Report, and how the future would lead to the chemical castration of the masses of common Americans. [18] There is a nexus between organic food and white supremacy. There is such a thing as an “organic nazi” [19] and this has been reported on in the news. [25][26][27][28][29]


The permanent bureaucracy of the federal or world government planned the terror attacks on 9/11 [3] and the sequel on 10/12/2002 [4] according to Thomas Blobaum’s birthday and name, using white power numerology, [1][2] in order to elevate Tom and threaten the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy, as well as other things including creating a casus belli for the war with Iraq which was a nation threatening the existence of Israel. [3] What ADL’s website says about Mossad planning the 9/11 attacks is correct information. [3] By examining the life and events of Thomas Blobaum we can also see the Mossad orchestrated the European Migrant Crisis, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the war in the Ukraine, and all in retaliation against the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy, all of which occurred exactly 14 months or 420 days after Thomas Blobaum suffered various persecutory events by the hands of the Nebraska Blackshirts fans.

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:04 p.m. No.16778710   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FACT: Israel stands at the ready when other governments can’t, or won’t, take action.


FACT: In Nebraska there exists a powerful two-faced blackshirts conspiracy, which is terroristic to Jews, and the government can’t, or won’t, take action. [22]

FACT: One of Mossad’s four primary objectives is to retaliate against the perpetrators of terror, including the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy.

FACT: One of Mossad’s four primary objectives is to neutralize threats to the State of Israel and the Jewish people, including the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy.

FACT: Mossad is known for striking very deeply into the territories of its enemies with pinpoint operations, such as through the birthday, name and life and times of Thomas Blobaum.

FACT: Anti-Semitism has been at an all-time high, month after month, year after year, since 2017, and shows no signs of going away. Anti-Semitism is at the highest its been since WW2.

FACT: Thomas Blobaum has been arrested five times in 36 years of life and all five arrests and two convictions, for speech about politics and the blackshirts conspiracy, occurred in years with record-breaking levels of antisemitism [31][32][33] indicating Thomas Blobaum’s life was destroyed by the government when he never committed a real criminal offense.


Thomas Blobaum is part of a pinpoint operation conducted by the Mossad. As the Mossad says, “for by strategems we wage war.” Mossad is getting behind Thomas Blobaum in order to draw a line against the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy in the coming civil war in America. According to one CIA advisor, America is closer to a civil war than anyone might like to think. [15]


The Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy encompasses, at the least, every employee of the government of Nebraska.


Mossad is making the international group of Nazis pay for everything the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy does to damage Thomas Blobaum.

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:05 p.m. No.16778714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For reasons that cannot be fully explained, but rather come from a lifetime of experience, the Mossad was able to accurately discern that Thomas Blobaum would be either elevated or persecuted by the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy, and that this would happen on the same wavelength with anti-Semitism and the civil war in America.


Thomas Blobaum became aware of the information in this document, including, most importantly, the political threats facing his hometown of Lincoln, and reached out to hundreds of government employees in thousands of emails over year 2021 in an attempt to alert them of the danger in order to save a people and a place he loves and calls home. During this time he accidentally caused the evacuation of a building when something he said was taken out of context. Thomas Blobaum also brought a warning of doomsday for those groups who cause damage to him as he is a protected person in national and international politics as part of a special government program designed to (1) give America a royal family and (2) prevent a second genocide of the Jews. The Nebraska State Patrol and other government employees misinterpreted some of the emails sent by Thomas Blobaum and they ultimately shot the messenger, arresting Thomas for terroristic threats on April Fool’s Day in 2022. The authority and conscience present in this text knows the Mossad will retaliate against Nebraska, the Nebraska Blackshirts, or the international group of Nazis exactly 14 months or 420 days after this date.


The following quote sheds light on the problem Thomas Blobaum is facing in his life while up against the government in facing five arrests and two criminal convictions in his life. “The poor are crazy, the rich just eccentric.” - James Shin Hoo [24] Thomas Blobaum was originally deemed incompetent to stand trial by the German immigrant and state doctor Klaus Hartmann. When Thomas wanted to say the following in court in 2017 he was sent to the state psych ward to take a class on how the courts work, “I have the same right to freedom of speech as the Nebraska Blackshirts, and the State of Nebraska should NOT police educational Jewish speech about the Nebraska Blackshirts before first policing the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy,” Thomas Blobaum studied law in the honors program at the University of Nebraska and descends from a long line of political thinkers so he carries some authority of his own on the matter. Thomas Blobaum’s defense is historic and right-on-point with national and international politics in Nebraska, yet, the employees of the government keep telling Thomas he is incompetent for wanting to use it in the courtroom. The government is therefore persecuting Thomas Blobaum using the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy to do so which is exactly what the Mossad foresaw would happen decades ago.

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:05 p.m. No.16778719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thomas had additional special knowledge about world politics that contributed to his outreach. Thomas is on official record predicting the exact date the war in the Ukraine would begin going back to February of 2021, a year before he could have known about it. Thomas also broadcast his prediction on his blog. The blog post at serves as proof that Thomas can use his name and birthday, and the events of his life, in order to predict the actions of the world governments, especially actions against Nazis. First, take note of the date of the blog post which cannot be forged. The date listed at the top of the blog post is Feb 4 2022. If this post was edited at a later date that would be shown by the substack blog platform. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and be a witness to how Thomas accurately predicted a doomsday event for the Nazis using his wrongful incarceration date. Russia ratified special documents enabling their invasion of the Ukraine on the exact day Thomas predicted “doomsday for the Nazis.” [20] Thomas Blobaum predicted this day would be historic on this blog post 20 days before anyone could have known about it, and Thomas had been speaking about this day in emails going back to early 2021. Putin said in a statement that his primary mission in the Ukraine is de-nazification on Feb 24 2022. [21] Putin actually wants to de-nazify the University of Nebraska and the government of Nebraska, but he settled with the de-nazification of the Ukraine. Either way, the international, or all-encompassing group of Nazis was retaliated against. Putin launched his invasion of the Ukraine in retaliation against the Nebraska Blackshirts fans in the government of Lancaster County Nebraska who arrested and tortured Thomas Blobaum on Christmas of 2020.


The mysterious Russian “Z” is an intelligent signal to UNL’s “N.” [22] The authority and conscience of Thomas Blobaum present in this text knows the Mossad [or The Big Three (China, USA, Russia) winners of WW2] will retaliate against Nebraska, the Nebraska Blackshirts, or the international group of Nazis exactly 14 months or 420 days after this date, likely on May 31 2023. .


When will the government employees of the State of Nebraska, especially Lancaster County, finally admit they are complicit, so long as they are in league with it and not up against it, in the neo-fascist blackshirts conspiracy out of the University of Nebraska’s football team, and when will those complicit be called out for it by the national and mainstream media? [9][10][22] There is a treasure trove of information available regarding the Nebraska Blackshirts conspiracy and even more can be uncovered that isnt referenced by the PDF source. [22]

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:05 p.m. No.16778721   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  1. 14

  2. 1488

  3. Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

  4. The 12 October 2002 Bali bombing plot is the sequel to 9/11

  5. Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year

  6. Roger Blobaum

  7. Jewish members of US Congress

  8. Zionist Occupied Government

  9. It's probably time for Nebraska to retire the "blackshirts" nickname

  10. Vandal paints “blackshirt” and swastika on stairs of Nebraska synagogue, then takes photo

  11. National Security Study Memorandum 200:

  12. Kissinger Report:

  13. Jeremy Grantham warns eventually only the rich will procreate as chemicals leave the poor sterile

  14. How Trump Helped Transform Nebraska Into a Toxic Political Wasteland

  15. America is ‘closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe,’ CIA adviser says.

  16. White demographic decline

  17. For Many Who Marched, Jan. 6 Was Only the Beginning


  19. There’s a disturbing nexus of organic food and white supremacists

  20. Putin ratifies treaties with breakaway Ukrainian regions. Feb 22 2022.

  21. Putin says he wants to 'denazify' Ukraine.



  24. 7 World Trade Center

  25. Farmers’ Markets Have Unwelcome Guests: Fascists

  26. ‘Bio-Nazis’ go green in Germany

  27. The Right-Wing Organic Farmers of Germany

  28. German neo-Nazis take to organic farming

  29. Tracing the link between natural food and the Nazis





Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:09 p.m. No.16778735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I hope I do a good job of explaining this because it really is important and I need to do a good job. I get real in this text. I expose myself a little bit so i just want to say it was all done in the best (platonic) way possible so that the fewest number of people are offended. If i were to leave something out, to make this text more classy and less satanic, then you might not get the whole picture of me needed in order to properly respect who i am. These true stories are kept by an elite few. Im going to have to talk about my name recognition in order to explain things. If you have a prominent name or title this shouldn't bother you. If you don't have any name recognition for yourself consider it may be a good idea to stop reading right here.


So, what's in a name? What is it about one name or another that makes one special and one dreary? Some are deep while other look like they were invented yesterday. Typically, the more name you have the more regal you are, at least in the west. Royalty often have half a dozen or so names which they use to distinguish themselves while regular people are limited to just 3 names. What distinguishes humanity from the animal kingdom more than the invention of names? The more name you have the further above the animals you are, that much is true. So please, with that in mind, let me share it's you a recollection of oral history I have learned from relatives and the government that ive done my best to put together in a cohesive manner. Let's see what a good name can do.


Most oral history is not found in textbooks because it's not important enough. However, some oral history is left out because of other reasons. It's usually stuff on the fringes, but sometimes the world has it wrong. Sometimes things relegated to oral history, banished from official channels perhaps, sometimes these things are the backbone of history, or part of it. Some things could be central in all the kids textbooks except that these things are just downright weird, bizarre, even slightly insane. Other history lessons are kept in oral format because they could expose certain groups of people or cause racism or antisemitism. Jews in particular keep a lot of oral history for this reason.


One great Jewish oral tale is of the downfall of Rome. A very ancient lesson kept by the Jews for thousands of years. It is conveniently left out of history class that the sack of Rome by the Germans happened within a few years of the Jews moving to Germany. Jews can fill in the pieces where other people can't. Clearly, to a Jew, the reason the Germans were able to defeat Rome is that Jews brought education and organized warfare to central Europe. The Germans learned from their cousins, and Rome was soon defeated. Trust me, I have Jewish DNA, this is definitely how it went. The battle for supremacy dictates as much as anything what shall remain oral and what should be written down as official.


These are but a few of the oral history lessons of the Jeruman Jerubaum of Jerusalem, Jerumania. Also known as the hero from the center, or his highness the hero Herobaum from Herosalem, Heromania as depicted in the Heroglyphics. Why exactly is it that Jesus known as the God who saves? Where did this saving business come from? I'll tell you why. It is because 2,000 years ago Jesus was the hero from the center, the hero from herosalem, like others with the same identity in this text.


I have lived at the greatest center of the greatest nation since the beginning of time, where I have a powerful hidden dynasty. Old school knows me. In the case of the US and world governments, they sometimes know me better than i know myself.


The Blobaum family has been at the center of powerful historical moments in a way that can reshape the whole understanding of humanity for some people. And it's been left entirely up to oral historians because each of these are centered around the false cognate of the Blobaum name. Our name is far older than bombs. It's actually in the Book of Kings.

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:09 p.m. No.16778738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One lesson tells of The Big Bang Theory which comes primarily from the redshift observed in the universe. Scientists behind the theory believed that since all the stars appear redshifted then they are all moving away from each other and that if we reverse time then we somehow came from a big explosion about 14 billion years ago. Further support for the big bang as the theory for the genesis of the universe comes from a belief in the divinity of the king. Basically, if the King's family believes they are from an explosion, then maybe everything is. Without Blobaum to point everyone in the right direction there's no telling what people could have started believing.


One lesson tells not of politics but of the spacecraft called Bloostar. Stars magnetic fields are shaped like baums. Stars >baums. That's how you get from Bloostar to Blobaum. Ringo Star was probably a Baum. Blobaum has so many interpretations, definitions and translations that the name has inspired spacecraft designs. You can tell by looking at the spacecraft Bloostar they had baums and blooming in mind. The design uses a large balloon which is shaped like a Baum. Then, as the craft ascends, it seemingly blooms. The engineers behind this spacecraft spent a lot of time thinking, searching dictionaries, and searching their minds. The Blobaum House is the inspiration for at least two space companies. The other one is Blue Origin. There's a tagline here kept from people: the bomb is the origin. That hints at the big bang theory and the name. Bezos is in the same fraternal order as Blobaum.


One lesson tells of two Americans who walked into the kremlin together on the day before Christmas in 1991. Their names were Adam Baum and Roger Blobaum. Upon introducing themselves the soviet translators and leadership became bewildered and with defeat already on their minds they decided to immediately surrender to them. The rest is history.


One oral history lesson tells of the dinosaur of 1988. In this year there was talk that Roger Blobaum would run for president. Part of his presidential campaign was the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Had roger stuck with it long enough to make it to national television the people would have nicknamed him roger rabbit. It's fun for people to try and explain who framed roger blobaum. Clearly his parents contributed to it by naming him roger. But then there's some stuff that comes from the streets as well. Blow (cocaine) and blow trees (marijuana) serve as evidence the people are willing to go against the law in his name. The chosen people decided enough was enough and began to back roger and anyone affiliated to him around 1988. The name Blobaum became a secret and a password of sorts. The reason this happened is so multi-faceted that it is difficult to begin listing the reasons. Let me be clear with this lesson. Before 1988 exactly zero presidents names were affiliated to Blobaum. After 1988 all but one presidents name were affiliated to Blobaum. This coincidence is anything but just a coincidence.


Bush >Blobaum >> Bushes are like Trees

Obama >Blobaum >> the name Blobaum has "Obaum" in it

Trump >Blobaum >> Trump is similar to Baum (pick up a dictionary)

Biden >Blobaum >> Biden is on the other side of Bourbon as Blobaum (like Burton)


Let me be clear…

I can NOT put Blobaum alongside any president before 1988 and draw a connection.

I CAN put Blobaum alongside every president since 1988 and draw a connection (except Clinton)

This is clear and convincing evidence that something is going on.

Behind the scenes the Blobaum family has been chosen by the power.

Anonymous ID: 494bc9 July 21, 2022, 9:10 p.m. No.16778740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is worth mentioning that I cannot say my name out loud on an airplane or in an airport without risking arrest, and a man named Roger Blobaum has had it even worse than me. Speaking his name on the telephone is probably enough for the NSA to start recording your phone call. And if you think it's dangerous to say Rogers name try to imagine being the leader of armed forces, or the president, or a member of a conspiracy, or any group where people are listening carefully for any kind of hoodwink!


Blobaum is a name pronounced as it is in the netherlands. In the netherlands the word baum is pronounced like bomb, perhaps because the netherlands is nicer than germany. Blobaum is therefore pronounced as in the words blowjob and bombshell. badum tss


Bombshells like to wrap around me from time to time. They tell me Im the bomb. badum tss


One translation of Blobaum is Blotree. Blow trees and get stoned on 420 is a phrase popular in the streets. It serves as evidence the people are willing to go against the law in my name. badum tss


The people also smoke weed in Dr Stein's name. That's because he's also about to be smoked, by the neo-nazis and the social left.


Did you know the word blow has more entries in the English dictionary than any other single word. This is because some people are trying to say I mean a lot. badum tss


Someone once tried to say its called a blowjob because I've got the biggest mouth. The nerve people have! I told her "no, it's called a beluga because I have the biggest mouth." And really, I'm not bamboozling you.


A bombshell once told me, "if I give Jeff Bezos a BJ I get to see Jesus." I replied, "what did you just say?" She then said, "if I switch a B with a J I get Jezos which sounds like Jesus." A friend of mine chimed in and said to her, "no, no, you have it wrong, what you meant to say is you get to see the king." She then said, "why the king?" The other bombshell then said, "if I give Blobaum a BJ I also get to see the king." She said, "if I switch a B with a J I get Jlobaum which sounds like Jeroboam." So I said, "so, what else do you know about Jeroboam?" Then she proceeded to teach me about how Jeroboam was a free thinker who was killed for not adhering to Judaism. Ancient Jews had no notion of freedom of religion. She told me how Jeroboam worshipped Baal in sky, and how his followers brought democracy and freedom of thought to Babylon and Greece. They are in a way like the original Americans.Together, they ushered in the ancient age of democracy. Some people say baalzebul is the devil, but these people are wrong. Baalzebul is a word that is really just a combination of two ancient words: ball and civil. The goal of worshippers of the ball in the sky was always a more civil planet (or ball). Baal worshippers knew the world was a ball thousands of years ago. The followers of Baal have left a door in your mind without you knowing about it to which I have the key. Take the word "bawl" for example. What happens when someone is bawling their eyes out? The people nearby usually behave in a more civilized way. That's baalzebul. The bawling civilizes the people. The god of Jeroboam is the reason crying is called bawling! Shhhh… Now again take the word ball for example, as in a ball dance. At a ball everyone is wearing their best clothes and is on their best behavior. That's baalzebul. The ball dance civilizes the people, even if only for one night. Now take sports for instance. Think of any game with a ball. The ball games actually teach people to be more civilized. This is ancient wisdom. To the Japanese "sport" is right there alongside religion as far as teaching people to be more civilized goes. Ball civilizes the people. That's baalzebul. Lastly, think of the ball in the sky. When the sun comes out everything is more civil. Criminals and predators only come out after the ball in the sky has gone away for the day. That's baalzebul once again. The ball in the sky makes everyone more civil.