Anonymous ID: 105518 Baalzebul July 21, 2022, 12:25 a.m. No.16772825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Baalzebul is not to be confused with the derogatory term Baalzebub.

The word Baalzebul is the combination of two very ancient words: ball and civil. I will prove this in the text that follows. The followers of baal have had an impact on our language and thoughts. Allow me to demonstrate.

  1. Bawling

  2. Ball Dance

  3. Sports

  4. Sun

  5. What happens when someone is bawling their eyes out? The people in the vicinity usually behave in a more civilized way. Bawling civilizes people. That's Baalzebul.

  6. When ball dances are thrown everyone attending is usually in their best attire and on their best behavior. The ball civilizes the people if only just for one night. That's Baalzebul. Ball + civil.

  7. Boys started being taught to play with balls because it civilizes them. Sports games are right alongside religion for the Japanese. Playing with a ball makes the people more civilized. That's Baalzebul. Ball + civil.

  8. Worshippers of the ball in the sky know an ancient and simple truth: the predators and criminals dont like the daylight. The ball in the sky keeps the whole world more civilized until it goes down for the day. That's Baalzebul.