Anonymous ID: cb5676 lisgrsisgrbimlibiy Dec. 28, 2022, 10:05 a.m. No.18030787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thanks FrogmanAnon, for the Christmas gifts, UPS just delivered them, a few Hrs ago.

Love the Bob marley CD.

A fan of old movies too, but marilyn Monroe couldn't act.

No matter the script, I read she couldn't memorize them.

It's like she didn't even look at the scripts before each movie.

Excuse if you feel I Barge in with a few comments.

Hopefully you understand, many Anons are losing hope, or are very anxious,

it's like they can't "wrap their arms" around the fact that faith, love, unity, hope,

& family are of highest importantce. "Father figure" was removed from society a long time ago.

Even, Qteam, marks in their posts, think CA, has a great deal to do with the systematic

destruction of our Nation, world, and Society, and many miss the bigger picture.

But they have censored many anons from speaking, for the longest time, in many outlets.


Seriously, you have left 90 messages in the past [30]days.

That's too much. U, filled up my inbox.

Had just given my wife a "Ruby" ring for Christmas and she was enjoying it.

And I did not understand or find the Channel where you mentioned that

Meghan Kelley was inverviewing Cameron Diaz. I thought both were gone.

Could CARE less for both of them.

Please, best if you read about St. Michael and his 144,000.

However, there are 3 Archangels, which are important. Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael.

There's 10 in total. But those 2, and Michael, are the ones most people know.

But that's all cause of "ze germans" like they say in that dumb movie.

Speaking about movies? Do you like Indiana Jones?

Or Clear and Present Danger? Watch them if you haven't. "GTNS"

Also, please speak properly, when you leave me voicemails, you sound like you smoked too much weed, and are too high.

Ma' boo this, and ma' boo that. WTF? Pats YOU are a grown men.

Also, your comments are all over the place, and, basically, inconstant!

If you won't quit smoking weed, at least,

read about Solfeggio Frequencies please, they'll help you.

There are 6 or 9 really important ones.

There used to be Twelve, but they took 3 out, don't know why.

Maybe it's that plan they did int 1941 alter the musical frequency.

Look for GOD. Read the Bible, GO ALL-IN. You sound like a dunce.

Also, as Qposts say, follow the Light, or God, or Truth. Truth is, the light of the world.

And I think many disregard that, or don't give that much importance, to truth.

I think truth is important. Very.


Many, focus on London, and, since anons posted about it yesterday… bear, with me.

I wouldn't go to London, not even for the Holidays.

I'd rather go to Paris, France, their airport is nice.

They sell great wine in Paris.

Even at McDonald's.

Only one time, though, they sold us Bad boredeaux wine there.

Barfed all over the place, and felt, green, also started coughing.

The wife had to add some "vapor-rub" on me.


Now, about the messages you left on my phone. If you call, leave one message please!

Don't call 70,71,73,74,75!!!!!times please. Listen man. I don't like the Las Vegas Raiders,

the Dallas Cowboys, the LA Rams, the Pittsburg Steelers, or, the Green Bay Packers. Didn't

even like them when they were in St. Louis either, or when the Raiders were in Oakland.

Kurt Warner was subpar, and so was his entire WR crew, except for his

running back. That guy was good. Didn't care much for Favre or Aikmann.

I don't care if your neighbor plays golf with Michael Jordan, and they talk about the

Bull's and their triangle offense, or if Scottie Pippen's

ex-wife lives down the road from your cousins best friend.


Since so many speak of the Bible and the Archangels,

and don't mean to sound "Stingy" mention that

and not other religions, because Q said Religions divide,

and now look at all the people falling for the "New Age", or blaming the jews.

A ring has no beginning or end. A line does. A line Divides. A circle

encompasses. Since many patriots have Christianity as their foundation,

I do believe that many of us believe Freedom, would be our Paradise, I think it could be.

It's a solid and certain start. And a way for Humanity, to move forward or Progress. But certain is too ambiguous.

and I do think many of us are missing that, but like the drops say, WE ARE WRITING HISTORY,

which is GOOD. It's better than repeating.