The Savior Messiah Buddha ID: 1316d9 The Messiah Reveal New Ideas: New Creations, New United States Feb. 28, 2023, 2:02 a.m. No.18423122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Source, More Info: ascensionjoy. com/forum/showthread.php?tid=78


The content below is from the book "New Creation New Society New World" by Bodhi Udumbara.

I just want give some brand new idea and hope.

The USA can save themself alone without the need of any war.

But sadly they chose war, destruction instead of peace, new creations.

Feel free to make donation or obtain the book to help me have more motivation to craft/release more information to save the world.


Example: New Creations, New United States


If I want to become the US president or the USA super heroes, what would I do?

It is completely free to dream, to craft new theory, so here is what I will do:


Step 1: Creating a new political party

The reason for this decision is because:

  • The voter turn out for last few US president election is about 50-60% only.

Thus the current 2 biggest political party (Democrat and Republican) only receive about 25-30% each.

Which mean there are minimum of 40-50% of people can vote for my new party if my new ideas, new philosophy, new policies are good enough to wake them up.


  • Most the old political parties is outdated with the old ideology that the majority public people do not want at all.


  • I am a real leader thus I do not want using something old created by others (here is political party).


At the same time, I do believe in my leadership and my new ideas, new solution that majority of public people will accept, thus my first step is creating a new political party.


Step 2: Choosing a good name, slogan

I would choose the name “New Creation New America” or “New Creation New USA”.


The reason is because I want to use it as the slogan for the public, media too.

If want to have a better society, you must create something new, there is no any other choice.


Step 3: Adding new policies

The most important factor which the public people care the most is new policy.


If this one is real, I would draft 100 new policies/strategies, then share it to the public people or just for personal thinking.


But since this is just an example so I will share 8 policies:

  1. Remove personal income tax for the poor (have total asset or annual income of less than 1 million USD).


  1. Increase the VAT tax from 5% to more than 50%

Depend on the various factors such as the “product made location”, the necessary of the goods services with the society.


  1. Introducing premium security program

Where the rich people or any big event are required to pay certain amount of money in order to receive the protection from the police/military.

The amount of money is up on each case.


  1. Remove the common medical care programs in all states

People must take self responsibility for the living lifestyle. Personal income tax have removed so they can use that money for their own personal health/medical.


  1. Allow cities to have dual (2) official languages but with some restriction such as:

  2. Only city with less than 1 million population is allowed to join.

  3. Each language pair is allowed for maximum 2 cities in the whole US.

A language pair can be understood as English – Spanish, English – Chinese, English – German, English – Japanese, English – French, etc.


  1. Allow each local state to print/have their own local domestic state currency

Only allowed to use within the US land.

While if they want to trade with other foreign currencies, each currency holders must take their own choice and own exchange rate.


  1. Change the President term limited policy

From 2 term to 1 term. So one person will only get elected one in their lifetime.

And that 1 term length is from minimum 4 years.

After every 2 to 4 years, there will the president voting.

The ratting requirement to keep the job is increase each time.



After 4 years: 50%.

After 6 years: 60%.

After 8 years: 70%.

After 10 years: 80%.

After 12 years: 90%.


Which mean if any president can receive total above 90% (all public citizen voting), he/she will keep their job until he/she cannot.


  1. Have a great new international policy on monetary, economic policy

The first step is get elected and make domestic change first.


If cannot do that easy steps, then just forget about able to change the big matter that related to international monetary system.


Step 4: Promoting, sharing the new movement with the public people

You need to introduce the brand new political party with fresh ideology to the public people.


It is the choice between go big or go home.

The choice between defeat the outdated system or not.

The choice of believe in your own new ideas/thinking or not.


For all that reasons I would prefer creating a new political party and win all than “hope” for miracle from God.


Obtain the book "New Creation New Society New World" to support me !


Best Regard,

The Messiah Buddha


Source, More Info: ascensionjoy. com/forum/showthread.php?tid=78