Anonymous ID: 2d92b4 Lion of Judah Loves You April 5, 2023, 8:24 p.m. No.18649401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon wants you to see these pictures! Love you all (no homo)

Btw King Arthur was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Our Savior was born on December 07. Still in the oven and will follow up with sauce in the near future! Have not had an opportunity to post in what seems like a hundred years-time flies and bends I have the best memories of digging meme and praying..watching and learning from all you fine Anons and Autists!, The best days , mainly nights at BDT usually, were so special to me n ways I have no words to express. Love the Planefags Love the memes! Oh and the captivating discussions about and I am quoting here -“Milky” and “imagine how it smells”. Many moons till anon got all that sorted but MAN did I learn

Thank you for loving America all the way till the end and back For MAGA For Heavens Sake! Now gotta go find muh jetstream…where on earth did we park ??