KanyeGotMKultrad ID: 1bafc5 TheTruth April 30, 2023, 6 a.m. No.18775663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's called Project Looking glass, the creator of simpsons is a free mason. If you are familiar with bob lazars story he said that its a project for looking into the past, but his briefings contained misinformation. When he mentioned that there was a breakthrough with the commies that was it.


Elon musk is the face of new world order. He comes from an extremely wealthy family who made their money by digging up diamonds using slave labor, his parents are part of the kabal aswell.

He never intended to colonaize mars, spacex is there strictly for the satelites which are used for mind control along neuralink a.k.a mark of the beast.

They want you to drive tesla and electric cars so they can track and control your movements thats why Joe"pedo peter"Biden made an executive order making it mandatory to have kill switches in cars.

Neuralink is and has been used in humans for years now, the elite are using it for sortofa telepathic communication, but its also an extremely powerful mind control tool.


Earthquakes in turkey is not a natural event, its a NASA weapon. They can create hurricanes and tornados aswell. The reason they struck turkey is because russia is at war there and are supporting the extremists i dont quite know which ones, but you dont hear that on TV do you?


The moon is hallow spaceship brought here from the constellation of Orion by the annunaki who were defeated in a war vs plaedians/lyrans, the tall blond humans that hitler was so fond of. They brought it here during the period that is known as "younger dryas" when they parked their ship it created a flood that wiped out atlantis lemuria and mu. If you are familiar with sumerian tablets, the few survivors depict the annunaki as gods, but they are not they are what you would call the anti crist

KanyeGotMKultrad ID: 1bafc5 April 30, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.18775677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is no more such thing as cia or mossad or mi6 or any other intelligence agency its all ran by the KGB or fsb w/e you wanna call it. Joe biden is chinas/russian employee. Kamala harris is dead. Its a shapeshifting reptilian, you can actually notice those thick lines on her neck this is one of the giveaways wether thats a skinwalking lizard demon. they use humans as a food source. Theres quite a few of them in congress. Qanon is not a joke its true that satanic pedophiles deepstate illuminati or freemasons whatever u wanna call them control the government, the 2020 election was rigged, emanuel macron is part the illuminati along with president of romania , tate brothers too, they work for russia aswell, not only are they guilty of what theyve been charged with but its a lot worse.


Roswell crash was real, the zeta greys or ebens came here after hiroshima and nagasaki, because nuclear explosions xause some sort of special wave that travels way fasrer than speed of light sorry im no scientiest., they travel through wormholes, their craft crashed because of our radars. CIA and EG&G were founded by the nazis shortly after(project paperclip).


The reason switzerland was not involved in world wars was not because of the banks or some other official explanation, but because Hell is under Davos where cern is located and they are currently drilling a "hole" into the parallel universe, they are also collecting anti matter and working on time travel and wormhole technology.


I dont have any hard evidence for this, but if anyone wants to give me a platform i will blow the lid off of these satanic pedophiles.


Btw guys Alex Jones got setup with the sandy hook fiasco, his source got him cancelled now that he owes the families 1b he sortof changed sides

KanyeGotMKultrad ID: 1bafc5 April 30, 2023, 6:28 a.m. No.18775729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That roleplaying armor hes wearing has baphomet on it its him and the pedo elite who go to bohemian grove to worship moloch.


E v e r y single celebrity musician actor producer show host in hollywood have all sold their souls to get where they are at. if you and dont somehow manage to get there by yourself you get xxxtentaciond.


The 27club is the faustin pact gone sideways, none of them really killed themselves they got CIAd.


But these things are just scratching the surface the rabbit hole goes much deeper.