Anonymous ID: ac9bc0 Dark2Light is a GAME?! Sept. 29, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.19631091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The shot heard around the world

Obviously a fucking PSYOP but what kind?

Found this -


Most famous Q post, thought it was just cool formatting DARK (2) LIGHT is the bullet in the gun! First time Dark to LIGHT is mentioned followed by "Why is this relevant?"


XYZ in drops. MSDNC projection re: scope & size meant to instill fear and basic 'follow the pack mentality' [psych 101][echo-chamber][group think]

'If majority thinks xyz - xyz must be true' Attack on political opponent(s) who is/are actively conducting (leading) investigations into the President for XYZ charges beyond Mueller for XYZ reasons (zero evidence to support) - OBSTRUCTION TRAP? How do XYZ 'orgs' etc. remain funded?


They have a kickstarter going live in OCTOBER! A KICKSTARTER?:


Normie card game with Yes/No Questions like "Do you believe the official story of 9/11?", "Did Jeffrey Epstein Kill himself" and "Do you believe in conspiracy theories?" People vote in secret and someone guesses the result of the vote.

Calls itself A DEMOCRACY GAME.

Called one of the cards DROPS?!

1 year before the election.