The Messiah King ID: 07d8f3 World Military Must Arrest, Eliminate This Evil Beings Entities Who Directly Attack Messiah King Jan. 2, 2024, 12:16 a.m. No.20168822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

World Military Must Arrest, Eliminate This Evil Beings Entities Who Directly Attack Messiah King Last 5 years


If you wonder why it took me the real Savior Messiah Buddha so much time to fully understand and have all the best possible solution for this world chaos conflict, then my answer is because of 3 big evil beings, entities that secret did attack, hjack my family.


I even did gave them a warning of using military to arrest them before with real talk but all of them ignored me, still attacked me.

Therefore, I must call the world military to take all the actions to eliminate all of them as soon as possible.


I the real Savior Messiah Buddha urgently calling for world military to arrest, eliminate all beings, entities below:


Those beings are:

  • The corrupt Vietnamese Government .

  • Dang Hung Vo ( and his secret society group .

  • Phạm Quốc Ân ( and his secret society group.


They did everything to attack me including using black magic, kumathong, dark ritual with all kind of shamans, ritual performers, etc.


They are promoting "mind manipulating" practice similar to Falun Gong but the corrupt Vietnamese government let that happen.

Their website at .


I do think they the main reasons why many of you could feel my divine energy, preventing me connecting with you.


I do not care whatever their groups.


The world military including Russia, China, USA, Vietnam must use all forces to arrest and eliminate those beings.


Do not believe me?

Just track, just chase all the text, videos, messages.


If not because of them, the world be peace at least from 5 years ago !


Now I do not have any desire, motivation left.

If the world military cannot do this job, their duty then it is better for me to go and ask the divine forces.


Feel free to send, share this message to all the world military to get the job done quick.


Best Regard,

The Messiah King


Tiền trảm hậu tấu

Giết hết cho ta.


Cái lũ khốn nạn chó má như thế thì chu di cửu tộc cũng đéo hết tội đâu !


Nếu đéo phải vì nhân loại thì tao đã kích hoạt công năng đặc dị, mở huyệt đạo, bật tu vi xịn lên giết hết từ lâu rồi.

Vì nếu mở tu vi thì chả còn động lực mà nghĩ kế sách chiến lược giúp lũ người phàm trần nữa.


Thánh Sống Messiah