anon ID: 395778 All Their Secrets - Sorcery in America March 2, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.20505767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The following is one of the biggest open secrets in the world.


All the elites know it, CEOs, professional athletes, politicians, famous mucisians.


But they keep you in the dark. They think you're stupid and expendable and "unworthy" of the secrets.


Preface: I'm writing this to expose their secrets. Don't do this. Don't become a sorcerer. You will forfeit your soul. The only magic more powerful than the one I'm about to discuss is that of the God of the Hebrews and Jesus Christ - but it can only be used for healing, feeding, casting out demons - not enriching yourself on this earth like the elite's use Sorcery.


OK - here goes…


Sorcery is real. Magick is real. There are many long, boring books I can point you to that explain exactly how magic works and is real. Here is one of them:


Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley


Note: Don't read the book. LOL - I know. But strange things might start happening in your life.


The elite know this. In fact, it's their religeon and their silly little club.


The Fraternity. The Order. The Illuminati (but they don't use that word).


The Fraternity has existed in America since the founding fathers. It's about 175 members of the most powerful and rich men in America. They get one choice for successor (usually their first born son).


New Sorcerers are sent to San Francisco to train as part of a Guild with the OTO and the Bohemian Club.


Here's what they learn:

  1. Abstain from masturbation to pornography. Instead, practice masturbating focusing on intent / will / things you want to happen.

  2. Stop smoking weed. It messes with your mind or something. Cocaine is fine (and preferred among the elite - they have great cocaine).

  3. Study Aliester Crowley's books on Sorcery - starting with the "Book of the Law", "Magick in Theory and Practice", "The Book of Thoth", and "Liber ABA". Also start practicing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and learning about Thoth tarot.

  4. Go through "the degrees" to open and prepare yourself for Sorcery (careful - these are usually administered by an advanced Sorcer and contain mind control…we'll get to that later)

  5. Start practicing "spells" - writing out a spell of something you want to happen, then from memory and with great force of will and intent reciting your spell while masturbating or performing ritual.

  6. To enhance your spell, you can invoke gods. All of the Greek gods are viable, and ancient Greek language can be more effective at calling them. But the most popular gods are the oldest - the four - earth, fire, wind, water. They won't come for just anyone (helps if you're generational or a medium) - so you have to focus. Face south for fire, spread your arms like a cross and speak through your heart. Invision the deserts of the south. Feel the heat, the dryness on your skin, the fire. Then call - with authority - "Gods of the South, Keepers of Fire! Come into this sacred circle and let your presence be known!". Note that if you have enough skill and talent and do this at a sacred spot where the veil is thinner, the fire will come - and light logs in a pile that have been drenched in water. Also note that every time you do this, a piece of yourself is shaved off and trapped in that ritual for all eternity. They don't tell you that part.

  7. If you have roommates, shower (cleanse) at night and do rituals in your room. A high level Sorcerer can put a protection spell on your room so that your roommates don't hear. This also has the cool side-effect of making your room semi-transparent and you can see the stars and each other Sorcerer who's doing magic shows as a beam of light.

  8. Then there's portal - oh, the portals. This is how Sorcerers do their magic. It takes at least 2 high level Sorcers to open a portal. They use artifacts from past Sorcerers, along with a ritual that involves "the union of the souls" aka butt sex / ritual sex magick. One Sorcerer enters the other anally. They both hold a wand together and point at the ceiling, focusing on "opening the portal". Once open, the portal looks like a misty cloud in the ceiling and you can do magic with it. The portal is a black hole - to other places / dimensions. Note: don't try opening an unsanctioned portal because NASA has satellites that can detect them and will find you.

  9. The Gin / Arcon - Sorcerers can use the portals to summon the Arcon - beings from other dimensions - and ask them questions and gain personal knowledge.

  10. Ispissimus - The top degree of Sorcery is Ispissimus. If you obtain it, you're not supposed to tell other Sorcerers that you've obtained it or what it is. What is it? It's a deep state of meditation that allows you to project your light body to any location in the world. Since you can't share it, it's usually used to drop in on other Ispissimus Sorcerers and scare them.

anon ID: 395778 part 2 March 2, 2024, 7:47 a.m. No.20505774   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Once a new Sorcerer has been trained and is ready to join the Fraternity, they have their "homecoming".


All of the people in the Fraternity that know them go to the clubhouse and "welcome them home".


Then, usually they go back to their families and live their lives and that's it. The only people who really stay active are the ones who stay in San Francisco.


The Bohemian Club is their clubhouse. They have the best music teachers, nobel lauriets, scholars and scientists (some are let in on merit, not blood).


They have life extension technology - some of the elder Sorcerers are over 150 years old.


111 Minna Gallery is their clubhouse. All the members there are Fraternity members. The bartenders during the week are high level Sorcerers. There's a clubhouse on the 6th floor with an enchanted ceiling. All members are in a printed book ledger behind the bar - with money on the books - and plenty of expensive modern art to launder it. Just sign for it!


Every major city has one of these art bars affiliated with the Fraternity - NY, Dallas, Boston, etc.


There are weekly meetups. Tea and pastries at 111 Minna during the day - to mingle with the local Sorcerers.


And weely rituals. Meet at Belle Corra bar in North Beach on Saturday morning - then join for rituals in the evening. Same with Pig & Whistle bar in the Inner Richmond. Many local guilds and groups do this - both to work on magic and socialize.


But careful with the rituals. As I mentioned before, if you've got this far - you've probably apprenticed under a master Sorcerer and he is controlling you through mind control. It's very possible to alter someone's memories. You can compartmentalize them - and get that part to do your bidding. The higher / front part is amnesic and has no idea what they're participating in.


The perfect example of this is "The Test" for those who want to be in the High Sorcerer's Guild - the true elite of the elite Sorcerers. You are taken to a field with a bonfire and other aspiring High Sorcerers. A child is stood in front of you - and told that they will be killed by your sword - and they have 30 seconds to run. You must run them down and stab them through the heart without hesitation. If you hesitate and another Sorcerer kills your child, your life is forfeit and the Sorcerer gets to kill you and absorb your energy. The best part? Nothing about this has to do with being a Sorcerer. It's just something they made up - because otherwise everyone would want to be a Sorcerer. LOL!


Also they're really mean to each other. That whole Aliester Crowley "Do what thou wilt and that shall be the extent of the law" can be interpreted pretty broadly. Maybe you want to be an asshole - or kill children - or rape the innocent. That's all cool in their book.


Which brings me to one of their favorite pastimes - home invasion and gang rape. After all, who's going to believe that a group of men in hooded robes raped you in your bed and left without leaving any trace of broken entry (because they got the key from your landlord). Psychics are particularly targeted because they're seen as meddlers and no one will believe them anyways.


And then the next favorite pastime - killing people. Why do you think the streets of San Francisco are filled with fentanol zombies - hundreds of them at night. Easy pickings! You can torture, kill, rape those people and no loved ones will care or come looking for them.


These people are lonely because they can only interact with others in the cult (it is a cult, not a Fraternity). So they invite in their friends, famous people, musicians - to make themselves feel better / less lonely. Some have money, some don't. Some are generational, some are there on merit. But there are so, so many people that know about this.


They call the religion Thelema and themselves Thelemites. Some of them call themselves Crowleyites.


So there you go - Sorcery is real. Now put that in your paradigm and deal with it.