I The Savior Messiah Buddha No Longer Support The Current World Financial System
The current world financial system that was setup more than 70 years ago with secret inserting money rules based on natural resources have finished it mission & are no longer work with current average level of players.
The proof is the war chaos destruction everywhere on Earth.
I do believe the beings & entities who are currently control that system was/are being under attacked by many forces.
The current players refused to evolve, refused to create new products services or new policies but only blaming others instead of their own stupid so I don’t think even with nuclear war occur, it could change anything.
Therefore, I as the real Savior Messiah Buddha is calling for an final end of this world financial system and replace with a better one with purpose of:
Level playing field in the economy game between players, nations.
Reduce the “money greed” disease of the mass public people since ancient time.
Increase the creative level, new products services around the world.
Preserve protect Earth environment.
I have revealed my brief vision with solution already but I am not whether all of you have even read or understand it or got blocked by others .
People & nations are free to choose, to join any “league” they want but take their own risk and responsibility.
It must enforce immediately from 01-01-2025.
Whoever refuse (including current referee), take your own risk from other high level Gods Deities.
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Corrupt Asian Countries Are Trying To Steal Citizen Money Via Technology Forced
There are many corrupt Asian countries government are trying and are doing everything they can to steal, to control over the public citizen by all means even that activities are un-human but pure animal.
How the hell sending very single money even just $1 require face verification ?
How the Fuk a national ID card still have 10 years until the expire date but not accepted by the police forced people to do a new one that contain chip (like the one in ATM card) ?
That does not make any sense what so ever !
But that the corrupt evil Vietnamese police was and are doing all over this country.
There are many evil people in Vietnamese Government are support black magic and allow evil group (that got banned in China) exist even in the capital Hanoi.
They can continue to lie, to deceive the novice public citizens but do they think the high level deities entities do not know that ?
Go fuk yourself idiots !
That stupid team is the one who was trying to remove the “birth place” in Passport few years ago but got denied/blocked by many nations and you can read it on the media.
I the Savior Messiah calling all the world military and high level beings entities come in and defeat/eliminate the current corrupt Vietnam regime because the Vietnamese military are clueless and useless !
If they won’t do then the bloodbath will occur all over the world with the direct interfere of God(s), Deities.
I just cannot stand with these animal actions anymore !
The Savior Messiah Buddha
www . vision bodhi . com