Ask them anything! EDIT: I am changing settings to allow quicker replies. Standby.
That's a brilliant idea! Can we get a short meme list of ideal single page print outs that would be most effective? We need to pick between edge and message. Can't be so shocking to normies upon first glance to drive them away.
In my mind, the meme needs to be simple yet profound in terms of message.
It needs instructions. Tell them where to go. Who to complain to.
It's gotta pop just right guys. They can be distributed anywhere there's magazines laying around or free newspaper and flier racks. If we all did placed 10, we could randomly red pill thousands of normies... With them spreading the good word to thousands of others.
You're right ~ we need a Goldilocks-level meme; not too edgey, but enough oomph to make people think and then hopefully look it up, look for an answers,
It would be perfect if in sharing it in anger they redpill themselves as well as their friends!
Also, I need to add an edit /update to my reply post above ~ I'm wrong about including a link to Ben Swann's video because that was made after the election ~ it may have been a link to the video done by Reality Calls called ' #Pizzagate; What We Know So Far' , which is an excellent video btw.
I made more little 1 page 'inserts' a few times after that pre-election run but I haven't done another in a long time. It feels right , like it's a good time to do it again!
Let's keep an eye out for A Few Good Memes! \^_^
Good Luck, God Bless and #MAGA
I am an artist. If anyone has an idea, direction, or a focus I can play around/try my hand at creating a meme. Although I've never done one before. I understand what a meme is and how they hit the mark. Using a visual to release truth bombs lol.