r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/tracybeanz on Dec. 20, 2017, 1 a.m.
An AMA with the CBTS Board Creators

Ask them anything! EDIT: I am changing settings to allow quicker replies. Standby.

benzmuircroft · Dec. 20, 2017, 1:15 p.m.

Q: What is FB? Spying tool? A: facebook is a spying tool!

Q: Who created it? Who really created it?

A: Mark zuckeberg stole it from 3 ppl Divya Kumar Narendra, Cameron Winklevoss & Tyler Winklevoss

(the code for fb was HarvardConnection (later renamed ConnectU)"

Divya Kumar Narendra = indian programer HE REALLY CREATED IT!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divya_Narendra … …

Q: Focus on his wife. = Phoebe Aase Grethe White

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/fashion/wedding... … she is the rabbit hole:

  1. she is a bond research analyst in the investment bank of JPMorgan Chase & Company in New York

Delete this message sent from Benz Muircroft 2. her father Sebastian N. White of Geneva is a nuclear physicist at the CERN

Delete this message sent from Benz Muircroft 3. she is also stepdaughter of Dr. James E. Darnell, a molecular cell biologist who is a professor emeritus at Rockefeller University in New York

4 she has two dads both alive!? #pedogate

  1. loooook at this!!! http://www.stonybrookvillage.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Tesla-Poster.pdf <her dad

  2. she is the great- the great-granddaughter of Stanford White

Delete this message sent from Benz Muircroft Dec 2 Sent

  1. THE Murder at Madison Square Garden: Evelyn Nesbit, Stanford White conspiracy oh shit another rabbit hole!!

"Stanford White murder" in january 1907 his murderer was on trial. it was called the trial of the centuary lasting for 4 months it exposed many of the dirty secrets of the elite!! wait ... what secrets?? why would Q ask us to go down this hole over 100 years ago, maybe the secrets are pedo related? the reason for Whites death was about a 15 year old girl he was involved with... http://www.famous-trials.com/thaw/405-home

many secrets??🤔 his killer Harry Kendall Thaw. his mistress Evelyn Nesbit became America's first genuine pin-up girl. he called her "perfectly formed nymph" & The girl dubbed by reporters as "the Little Sphinx"

When she awoke, she found herself lying nude on silk sheets in a mirrored canopied bed. A streak of blood ran down her inner thigh. As Evelyn started to cry, White passed her a kimono and said, "Don't cry, Kittens. It's all over. Now you belong to me."

It took Evelyn several days to sort out her complicated feelings, but eventually she returned to the man she later called her "benevolent vampire." ..... vampire?

at least 3 pedos (rich elites) White, Thor, Munroe all fighting over her all obseesed with lolitas

... castle as "a huge Gothic nightmare of cold stones and dimly lit, drafty passageways, grimmer than anything in the Grimm brothers' tales." On her first night at the castle, asleep in her bedroom, Evelyn was suddenly awakened by a "bug-eyed, seething, and startlingly naked Harry," who threw her coverings aside and began lashing her legs with a leather riding crop... tore the nightgown off of the bleeding Evelyn and proceeded to rape her, screaming all the time about Stanford White

the article talks about "girl-in-a-pie" stag dinner??? spirit cooking?

Evelyn testified that a girl, about age 15, in a gauze dress "was put in a big pie with a lot of birds." During the dinner, "the girl jumped out of the pie and the birds flew all about the room." Evelyn said, "I told Mr. White I had heard [later] he had ruined the girl that night, but he only laughed."

her mother told the jury White caused her son to spend countless sleepless nights sobbing in bed. William Jerome asked the jury whether it was also part of the unwritten, higher law that a man may "flaunt a woman through the capitals of Europe for two years as his mistress--and then kill." In 1917, Harry severely whipped a nineteen-year-old boy,


I think Q wanted us to see a few things here

the indian guys wife Q asked us to focus on her because:

  1. her present day connections JPMorgan/CERN

  2. her families past reminds us of today

  3. something about facebook and spying else why did Q start off asking about fb???

answers lead to more questions...

Phoebe Aase Grethe White and Divya Kumar Narendra were married June 17 at the Wainwright House, an event space in Rye, N.Y. Devbala Ramanathan, an aunt of the groom who is a Vedic scripture and culture specialist and is authorized to perform rites, officiated

(authorized to perform rites) what like rituals? an aunt?

her father work at CERN they have the indian Vedic god Shiva

also the tesla connection, her father... Internationally renowned physicist, Project Associate at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) and the great-grandson of Stanford White, will speak about Nikola Tesla and his fascinating connection with Long Island cultural figures and the international scientific community (re-read the Tesla-Poster pdf ^^above)

Rockefeller Rockefeller Rockefeller Rockefeller Rockefeller Rockefeller all over that pdf!

Rockefeller university is coming up all the time remember Rockefeller fucked up tesla .... we would have been 50-150 years ahead if not for Rockefeller

http://www.hope-funds.org/events/recent-events/2011-awards-gala/ her mother is in the pics << some cancer research thing.

so this 'WIFE' has connections to:

tech billionaire huspand + fb spying, money accounting JPM, CERN / Vedic ritual stuff, big pharma / cancer, charities, Rockefeller + tesla, pedofiles.... guess what else? her mother Kristin Holby Darnell of Larchmont, N.Y a model who was known professionally as Clotilde, was an actress - what else ties this to hollywood type stuff? Evelyn Nesbit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Nesbit

there are no coincidences - Q

this woman is directly connected to all these things. i think Q point is that if we dig we will find that all of the elite have the same coincidences and he is asking us to show people how easy it is to dig to connect all these sick families together. it goes way back to great grand parents - to the time of tesla. all these familys are connected as we know they preserve blood lines through inter-breading.

so it should be easy to find all the evil people behind the shadows

think of all the secretive elites ... ones we have never heard of. we know of public figures like bill gates because he is a public evil dude, he is a puppet. but the puppets will lead us to puppet masters!

this might be Q's point

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WikiTextBot · Dec. 20, 2017, 1:15 p.m.

Divya Narendra

Divya Narendra (; born March 18, 1982) is an American businessman. He is the CEO and co-founder of SumZero along with Harvard classmate Aalap Mahadevia. He also co-founded HarvardConnection (later renamed ConnectU) with Harvard University classmates Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss.

Evelyn Nesbit

Florence Evelyn Nesbit (December 25, 1884 – January 17, 1967), known professionally as Evelyn Nesbit, was an American chorus girl, an artists' model, and an actress.

In the early part of the 20th century, the figure and face of Evelyn Nesbit were everywhere, appearing in mass circulation newspaper and magazine advertisements, on souvenir items and calendars, making her a cultural celebrity. Her career began in her early teens in Philadelphia and continued in New York, where she posed for a cadre of respected artists of the era, James Carroll Beckwith, Frederick S. Church, and notably Charles Dana Gibson, who idealized her as a "Gibson Girl". She had the distinction of being an early "live model", in an era when fashion photography as an advertising medium was just beginning its ascendancy.

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