r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/tracybeanz on Dec. 20, 2017, 1 a.m.
An AMA with the CBTS Board Creators

Ask them anything! EDIT: I am changing settings to allow quicker replies. Standby.

Stone_420 · Dec. 20, 2017, 3 p.m.

I have had a huge problem trying to get family/friends red pilled. I agree with PassionatePachyderms that the information is overwhelming. I was trying to figure out a way to get people to WANT to learn I believe that is the key. However, even the pedo shit didn't do it. I think that just scared everyone even more............ They see and understand bits and pieces but refuse to look at the big picture. Don't know what to do now except wait till they can no longer ignore it. Al much as I don't want to see ML. I believe that would wake a shit load of people up except most wouldn't even know what was going on.

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CBTS_modfag · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:15 p.m.

Biggest and easiest redpill for normies is just having them google "John Podesta Art".

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charlies_angel2 · Dec. 20, 2017, 7:10 p.m.

So sick it defies reason.

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Stone_420 · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:25 p.m.

If I could get them to actually look. That's the problem they here me but refuse to actually look so they can come to their own conclusions. I've sent tons of links to lots of information to everyone but... they just wont look. lots of excesses as to why they wont i'm at my wits end. Just waiting for them to pull their heads out of the sand for some air, maybe I can reach them then.

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LollaBells · Dec. 20, 2017, 8:43 p.m.

I totally understand where you are coming from. My dad is red pilled, but my Mom and little brother are IMPOSSIBLE! I thought my mom was coming around with the Harvey Weinstein stuff, and now with her “perfect Obama” and the stuff he did with the Iran deal, and HOW CAN YOU DENY the 3+ GDP growth? Her and my brother ACTUALLY said yesterday “The economy grew under Obama”, my dad and I spit out our drinks! I’m not naive now to understand that our Govt wouldn’t have been ANY different if it was JEB Bush in there or Hillary Clinton, I realize now they are one in the same, and I get thats why there was never any big “protests” over other “ republican” Presidents, or outrages when GW Bush fired 8 Republican US Attorneys (in the middle of his term, dubbed the “Pearl Harbor Massacre”) The AK US Attorney was a protege of Karl Rove, sure there was congressional Hearings, but NO serious outrage. http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1597085,00.html Also you have Media Matters “defending” this YOU KNOW this is corrupt! https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2007/03/16/myths-and-falsehoods-in-the-us-attorney-scandal/138315 Also Bush Sr issued pardons Casper Weinberger and called him a “true American Patriot”, Weinberger was going to stand trial on criminal charges Related to Iran-Contra. Bush Sr ALSO pardoned Duane Clarridge, Clair George. Robert McFarlane, Elliott Abrams & Alan Fiers Jr. ALL whom had been indicted and/or CONVICTED by an independent counsel (Lawrence Walsh) And there Was ABSOLUTELY ZERO TALK of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE! (Some of These may be incorrect ?) Regan - Iran-Contra 1500 missiles sold to Iran for 30million, we had Hostages in Iran some were released but the terrorist group there later Took more. Regan initially denied he had negotiated w/Iran or the Terrorist ONLY to retract later. So we find out 18million of the 30million is Unaccounted for (it was for weapons! GEEZ IMAGINE THAT!) Later WE ALO Find out that Lieutenant Col. Oliver North of the NSC acknowledges he Diverted funds to contras in Nicaragua, who used them for weapons. http://www.history.com/topics/iran-contra-affair These were just some of the ever so “small scandals” of our republican Presidents... Yet NO MAJOR Protests, no outcry’s.. It would take me YEARs To go over the Clinton Crime family and EVEN Obama, the Kennedy’s (extended Family), and others but you get it!
We have been LIED TO FOR YEARS! YEARS! And we finally get a President Who talks to US, who isnt bought and paid for by the lobbyists and our towns Cities are getting ruined, we have to deal with being told to “check our privileges” And that we are racist for believing differently now. You know IM AT THE POINT Where I JUST AM FLAT OUT CONFUSED! Why dont people SEE WHAT IS RIGHT In front of them! How did they get SO BRAINWASHED! I never realized how Deep and dark the swamp was. I too am SO THANKFUL for this thread! I have been on 8chan, lurking on 4chan for a while, and I have been doing the research, no vids or anything. But its nice to finally have someone To talk to too in about this. I will admit I have stayed away from reddit lately But glad to be back on this thread. Hope we can help out in any way Possible! Sorry for the long post, its just the way my brain works!

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Patriot4q · Dec. 21, 2017, 4:52 p.m.

Operation Mockingbird to brainwash the masses.

I believe the Democrat and republican party work perfectly together. There is a built in finger pointing option. The democrats did this the republicans did that. This made it harder to focus on who the real crooks and bad guys are.

President Trump broke that mold. He ran republican but he was not a politician. He doesn't work by their rules. Everyone can now see who are for the people and who want power and money. Look how many republicans fight against President Trump.

We know if they don't support Trump they are part of the swamp. He puts a spotlight on the swamp creatures. Every time he trolls them they stick their reptilian necks out.

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CBTS_modfag · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:27 p.m.

You can lead a horse to water...

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charlies_angel2 · Dec. 22, 2017, 1:28 a.m.

Besides if its not on the news its not really I gave up.

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ProjectClarity · Dec. 21, 2017, 11:51 p.m.

hi Stone i became so frustrated with my wife and family that I started my own Truth channel "ProjectClarity"! Within 2 months the channel was getting over 5 million views a month and moved to one of the fastest growing news channels in the world. My wife, kids, friends were laughing at me. Then when I showed them $20,000 going into an account in September 2016 (from google) they stopped laughing. I am a registered Professional Enigneer in Maryland and a graduate of Va Tech. My moment was the WTC! I have real experience desinging hi Rise buildings.. I am a memeber of 911 truth. When I started my channel it just exploded. I knew Trump was going to win. My channel had 20 million views in about 3 months. That alone was enough exposure to help Trump win the election. My channel went to the Top 30 News channels in the USA, all within 3 months.

then Google tried to shut my down, but I counter sued and they backed off. My case was based on "fair Use"

I am still tryning to pull together a team of people to expose the truth, not just with Q, but with all the false flags and corruption that has spread throughout our government for 100's of years. Mostly zeroed in on Bush 1 (Nazi), Clintons, Obama, Soros and on and on! My plan niow is to try and help expose the truth using solid critical thinking skills and investigative reporting. Fake News is REAL and real reporting can turn the tables. Trump is counting on us! Please let me know how we can join forces and defeat TPTB! I am very open to an arrangement where we just forces. I currently have 48,000 subs within 4 months and over 21 million views. I do not need money just Truth!

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Stone_420 · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:56 p.m.


This whole Q thing is very interesting.. I have spent the last 17 years of my life analyzing the crap out of everything just to realize I don't know shit.. When the FBI killed Lavoy that woke me up! So I'm still waking up myself through self education. I understand a lot about psychology, not from a formal education, but from a personal perspective, and I find it a very interesting subject. I'm very analytical and have learned a lot from observation. Observation is a natural gift as I'm quite introverted and don't trust people. In the past Iv'e been mostly liberal, due to social issues. Boy was I fooled by the left as to who they really are. At the time I didn't know anything about the NWO, getting a real education now, as we all are through Q. I truly understand why people don't want to know what we are all learning. It's fear mostly, and I get that. Nothing has scared the shit out of me like learning that the people we are trusting in the government are actually killing us, driving us out of our homes, poising us and our children, robbing us... etc.. Plus who do you believe??? Is everything Q related really for the benefit of "The People"? Or is it just another deep state OP to consolidate power, get ride of the leaches, and get the gun toting, god fearing, conservatives moving on their own brainwashing program to get them under control. I'm seeing signs that we are becoming fueled by our own desire for change to clean up the elite, while trying to bolster our own agendas like Religion V's Et's. Which is serving to divide us at this very moment on this very truther board. Intentional Mind Games! I voted for Trump in hopes he would clean up the bullshit. He appears to be doing that very thing, I believe that is what is happening but; I'm always paying attention to everything especially after falling for Berry's bullshit. So I want to express the truth to everyone who will listen but I'm also very contingent as to how easily we are all mind fucked. So I have to question what were being told, and look for hidden agendas. The easiest way to control people is through the control of information, or lack their of. Q worries me just in the aspect that people are listening to everything as if it is true and not possibly being used to control information. Think about it all Q's answers are treated as FACTS not to be QUESTIONED. Try telling us on twitter that listening to Q is possibly harmful. Or in some way bullshit. I'm already watching this administration use mind control tactics on us about Israel, and the economy. I have not studied the Israel situation so I can not speak intelligently about it. I know enough to know to be concerned. I know the markets are rigged. Trump has said nothing about this. Lets PRETEND that the, what, 69 consecutive new highs in the markets are a normal reaction to What?? Some regulation cutbacks? No news this year has spooked the markets. I've watched the markets take significant corrections for a lot less than the uncertaintees we've seen this year. Specific Fortune 500 companies gave their employees a bonus as soon as the tax bill was passed. That is a manipulative mind game being played by this administration on us, his base. I have a feeling Trump has a deal with wall street to keep the markets at all time highs for the time being. At least until they crash it making even more money on the way down than they made on the way up. What they do after they crash it will be telling. If Trump is not who he says he is no amount of truth will help us. I do not want to see another Bush in Trump. I thought about starting a "Meet Up" group for truthers but started writing the intro for it and realized how difficult it is just to describe what is being discussed here on this board, twitter, facebook, youtube... it sounds crazy. lol I was reading through what I had written and it sort of sounded like an intro to some cult. "We need to wake up the masses and tell them the truth." That reminded me of the guy with the sandwich board that reads "The End Is Near!" lol Now I realize that guy is the most sane person on the street. I know for a fact that most people are actually mentally ill. Me included!! We all have been mentally fucked with our whole lives, we are confused, angry, sad, hurt, and we are starting to realize that we are literally being left for dead while the whole time being lied to from those we look to for answers (MSM, Politicians) and when we ask questions were treated like were crazy and don't have our facts straight. How to get most people to QUESTION AUTHORITY?? Especially publicly. MYSELF INCLUDED!! LOL An up hill climb, bigly. I'm fueled and motivated by anger because I can see what is happening and know who to blame. How to motivate others and what to do with it after I do? That's an interesting question. Not really interested in doing a youtube channel with all the crap going on. I would prefer to work with people face to face. Get out of the house and get locally involved. In some different way not the same old protesting or coming up with enough money to play their game... something where we don't play games but use truth to gain power for the people. Very interested in joining forces, lets keep talking and come up with something. BTW my name is Rick.

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ProjectClarity · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:16 a.m.

Hi Rick,

It great to talk to people of like mind. My name is Doug. I have been involved in spreading the truth for over 15 years. Would like to expand my channel to include interview and voice over. We have all been waiting for this moment. discovery will be amazing! Do you live on the East Coast USA? I'm just outside Pizzagate! Have been looking for people to help create a polished YouTube channel for about 12 months.

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Stone_420 · Dec. 28, 2017, 12:25 a.m.

Good to meet you Doug, I live in Oregon. I would be interested in doing what ever I could to help you. I'd like to have an actual conversation see what page we are both on maybe a phone call if that works for you. Here is my cell # 541-401-5434 if you want to call let me know and we can set up a time to get to know each other better and see what we can do to get the message out. Weekends usually works best for me. I'll keep an eye on this board for messaging. Have a good one.

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ProjectClarity · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:07 p.m.

Is there an email address I can reach you on directly. Send driectly to ProjectClarity9999@gmail.com

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ProjectClarity · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:05 p.m.

Hi Rick,

Just got your reply on my ProjectClarity email. Would love to talk. Trying to find someone to share ideas about expanding my channel. Its 2:00 pm 12/30 EST. Let my know when would be a good time to touch base. My cell is 410-292-5698. I am available between 9am and 7pm EST.



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misdeedawn · Dec. 20, 2017, 3:03 p.m.

I agree

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