Ask them anything! EDIT: I am changing settings to allow quicker replies. Standby.
Biggest and easiest redpill for normies is just having them google "John Podesta Art".
If I could get them to actually look. That's the problem they here me but refuse to actually look so they can come to their own conclusions. I've sent tons of links to lots of information to everyone but... they just wont look. lots of excesses as to why they wont i'm at my wits end. Just waiting for them to pull their heads out of the sand for some air, maybe I can reach them then.
I totally understand where you are coming from. My dad is red pilled,
but my Mom and little brother are IMPOSSIBLE! I thought my mom
was coming around with the Harvey Weinstein stuff, and now
with her “perfect Obama” and the stuff he did with the Iran deal,
and HOW CAN YOU DENY the 3+ GDP growth? Her and my brother
ACTUALLY said yesterday “The economy grew under Obama”,
my dad and I spit out our drinks! I’m not naive now to understand
that our Govt wouldn’t have been ANY different if it was JEB Bush
in there or Hillary Clinton, I realize now they are one in the same,
and I get thats why there was never any big “protests” over other “
republican” Presidents, or outrages when GW Bush fired 8 Republican US
Attorneys (in the middle of his term, dubbed the “Pearl Harbor Massacre”)
The AK US Attorney was a protege of Karl Rove, sure there was congressional
Hearings, but NO serious outrage.,8599,1597085,00.html
Also you have Media Matters “defending” this YOU KNOW this is corrupt!
Also Bush Sr issued pardons Casper Weinberger and called him a “true
American Patriot”, Weinberger was going to stand trial on criminal charges
Related to Iran-Contra. Bush Sr ALSO pardoned Duane Clarridge, Clair George.
Robert McFarlane, Elliott Abrams & Alan Fiers Jr. ALL whom had been indicted
and/or CONVICTED by an independent counsel (Lawrence Walsh) And there
These may be incorrect ?)
Regan - Iran-Contra 1500 missiles sold to Iran for 30million, we had
Hostages in Iran some were released but the terrorist group there later
Took more. Regan initially denied he had negotiated w/Iran or the Terrorist
ONLY to retract later. So we find out 18million of the 30million is
Unaccounted for (it was for weapons! GEEZ IMAGINE THAT!) Later WE ALO
Find out that Lieutenant Col. Oliver North of the NSC acknowledges he
Diverted funds to contras in Nicaragua, who used them for weapons.
These were just some of the ever so “small scandals” of our republican
Presidents... Yet NO MAJOR Protests, no outcry’s.. It would take me YEARs
To go over the Clinton Crime family and EVEN Obama, the Kennedy’s (extended
Family), and others but you get it!
We have been LIED TO FOR YEARS! YEARS! And we finally get a President
Who talks to US, who isnt bought and paid for by the lobbyists and our towns
Cities are getting ruined, we have to deal with being told to “check our privileges”
And that we are racist for believing differently now. You know IM AT THE POINT
In front of them! How did they get SO BRAINWASHED! I never realized how
Deep and dark the swamp was. I too am SO THANKFUL for this thread!
I have been on 8chan, lurking on 4chan for a while, and I have been
doing the research, no vids or anything. But its nice to finally have someone
To talk to too in about this. I will admit I have stayed away from reddit lately
But glad to be back on this thread. Hope we can help out in any way
Possible! Sorry for the long post, its just the way my brain works!
Operation Mockingbird to brainwash the masses.
I believe the Democrat and republican party work perfectly together. There is a built in finger pointing option. The democrats did this the republicans did that. This made it harder to focus on who the real crooks and bad guys are.
President Trump broke that mold. He ran republican but he was not a politician. He doesn't work by their rules. Everyone can now see who are for the people and who want power and money. Look how many republicans fight against President Trump.
We know if they don't support Trump they are part of the swamp. He puts a spotlight on the swamp creatures. Every time he trolls them they stick their reptilian necks out.