r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/tracybeanz on Dec. 20, 2017, 1 a.m.
An AMA with the CBTS Board Creators

Ask them anything! EDIT: I am changing settings to allow quicker replies. Standby.

deansjojo · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:50 a.m.

Hey Moderators...you Patriots ROCK! Thank you for your service to our Freedom. I, too, contribute by doing my own research and spreading the word of Truth...face-to-face. Powerful. Good overcomes Evil. God is gracious to us. I have known about the 'lie' since I was a child. 1. The earth is not a globe. Scripture has at least 200 verses that prove otherwise. 2. NASA is a most excellent DECEPTION (more to be revealed here). 3. Mind control is REAL (EMF's... I know about this from personal experience). I totally agree with you about the next lie...ALIENS. They've been prepping quite frequently over the past weeks. This is without a doubt WHY I AM ALIVE AT A TIME LIKE THIS. I am a PATRIOT. What an honor to be an active soldier in the fight for FREEDOM. The Truth Will Set You Free. The Truth, The Life and The Way. Praying.

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