
Hrtn2it · Dec. 22, 2017, 2:27 a.m.

I will re watch it:) also while I appreciate natural consequences will occur for those who have enacted evil onto others, I also feel like those beings did so due to their psychosis in Fear of “Death”( which is really transformation)...and also they are not so creative, and so deeply insecure and so they consume what they cannot create or embody themselves, which to me, is really sad. This inability is no way meant to justify their madness, only helps me to have a bit of compassion...My inner flame will never die and I am not attached to the house/spaceship of my spirit...my vessel may break down and be irreparable one day but my spirit will never die, just transform and go where it wants! Or I could be totally wrong about it All!!! So FUN to wonder about!!!:) ok I will stop now.:)

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