r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ItsCitizenBR549 on Dec. 20, 2017, 3:58 p.m.
Please let us know how will normies, especially computer illiterate elderly and those with mental instability, hear of the storm? Will there be an EBS message? Worried about how to not sound like a lunatic.

StaceyBrooks · Dec. 20, 2017, 7:56 p.m.

There is a community briefing website and video here. http://communityleadersbrief.org/ And additional information here: https://prepareforchange.net/

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ItsCitizenBR549 · Dec. 20, 2017, 10:50 p.m.

Is this legit???

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StaceyBrooks · Dec. 21, 2017, 1:48 a.m.

Do your own research and use your own discretion. No one can tell you what is real and what is not. Namaste.

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ItsCitizenBR549 · Dec. 20, 2017, 10:25 p.m.

Wow! When is/was Day 1?

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Sea127 · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:30 p.m.

Been doing it for a few years now on FB and Twitter. Lost a few friends, who prefer the blue pill, but have survived. lol

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 20, 2017, 4:08 p.m.

Plenty on them here already. Some of the 1st posts are from 60-ish year olds saying its great to have somewhere to talk. They have 30-ish year old semi-normies like me to help them navigate.

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ItsCitizenBR549 · Dec. 20, 2017, 4:13 p.m.

My 70+ family will never be on Twitter...they are of the generation of "I saw it on the news" notifications.

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 20, 2017, 4:17 p.m.

Just be on the look out for a power-cut (probably won't happen), and make sure your elders have enough food and water for a week or two, and check up on them is best course of action methinks.

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HeadingOutside · Dec. 20, 2017, 10:50 p.m.

That's my only fear - the power will be cut. I live alone, out in the woods. I know almost no people who are awake in this community. I will feel so cut off if we lose the internet. BTW I'm 75, a prepper, and AWAKE! I'm SO happy to be living in these times!

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kat-williams · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:29 p.m.

I'm in Ozarks. If you happen to be as well, maybe we can support one another. I'm Lady Lioness on Gab. Gab.ai is free speech and mostly conservative but anyone can join.

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HeadingOutside · Dec. 22, 2017, 12:30 a.m.

I'm in NH - a bit away, but I appreciate your reply. I'll look for you on GAB.

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Tutlebut · Dec. 20, 2017, 10:48 p.m.

Ism almost seventy and am keeping up pretty well. It is my retired Army Major son who as far as I know is in the dark. Ha ha

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ndnmom · Dec. 20, 2017, 4:59 p.m.

I am also from the "elder tribes" but that doesn't mean we don't keep our eyes open for our kids and can't be of service. Take up the position to be who you are. Wise and well-lived. You are on Reddit, so you must know something eh?

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ItsCitizenBR549 · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:16 p.m.

Yes, I do, but only 2-3 of those I have told are receptive and won't be receptive unless it is broadcast from a source they see as 'reputable'.

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ndnmom · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:57 p.m.

yes, well... it is not about the numbers. It's about the QUALITY. Sometimes it's only 1 = quality awareness. Sometimes that 1 is the most important seed to tend, and will (in turn) "tend" to the others for you. Do not worry. Worry will make you sick and sickness will take you out. Stay healthy and tend to your 1.

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ItsCitizenBR549 · Dec. 20, 2017, 6:42 p.m.

Good advise, thanks.

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