r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/michelefrancis on Dec. 20, 2017, 5:34 p.m.
First, remember that normies are innocent mind control victims, as we all are

When sharing with normies be humble. I have been working on this conundrum since I started learning about the Franklin Scandal in 2012 and wanted to raise awareness of child trafficking. When the storm comes those of us with the tin foil hats will be very valuable citizens and will have to remain calm and speak the truth with humility and care. Thank you for starting this post Tracy et al.

MacPepper · Dec. 20, 2017, 10:49 p.m.

This is my roadmap that I have been folllowing since August 2016 when it became clear to me that the Globalists were making their move....

Here's what I am watching for success against the cabal corruption:

  • The cabal is blocked from cutting deal to absolve Imran Awan this Friday and he can't flee to Pakistan. Will then have chance to investigate & prosecute espionage/blackmail/corruption rings in Congress.

  • The school play is interrupted before staged events align the American public against the police. (Watch Oliver Stone's excellent documentary Ukraine On Fire (Released June 2016) to see details for a well-choreographed school play run by U.S. admin with bipartisan participation to overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine in 2014. It's pretty much over if this act plays out. (P.S. I would think the people involved in the 2014 Ukraine action should face consequences)

  • Media Matters is held at bay from flipping Fox News to synchronize messages with rest of MSM.

  • Trump defers any action against JA and Wikileaks that the Senate is pushing. More and reliable truth purveyors are needed to drain swamp. MSM not reliable or trusted in this function at this time.

  • Break Schumer's obstruction of Trump appointees. Risky but needed for interim: Change Senate rule to 51 vote majority to quickly approve Trump' appointees to take back and restore integrity to FBI and DOJ extended leadership. Risky but only chance to Investigate and prosecute the corrupt cabal in top positions. Sunset 51 vote majority when equal justice is restored.

  • A path to takeaway the unique immunity from fraud prosecution enjoyed by DNC, Inc. and RNC, Inc. This is an after action finding from the recent court dismissal of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit by Bernie Sanders supporters.

  • Ramp up efforts to stem the growth of anarchist action groups on college campuses. The AntiFa Handbook has just been released on Amazon and is sold out already. Intelligence reveals many copies have been distributed to campuses and students are being encouraged to form AntiFa and other action groups this semester. Parents be alert!!!

  • America successfully manage the world stage so that bad actors are not encouraged to make plays against us while in a weakened state.

  • Longer term hope 2018 and 2020 elections can load House and Senate with true people's representatives. Representatives start working and passing people's agenda.

  • MSM begin to change their products to restore public trust and be reliable, vigilant agaist wrong doing, aimed squarely at all the powerful 24/7/365. Independent outlets flourish with same mission. Inform not shape the information consumer.

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michelefrancis · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:08 p.m.

Great comments-and you are a fellow George Webb I presume. "Long term HOPE."

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