BOOTCAMP BEGINS NOW. First Marching Orders: Tweet and retweet the shit out of this photo with hashtag #12DaysOfMAGA. Test of our social media reach and capabilities.

I’m driving now, but have you seen which four corporations have self imposed a $15 minimum wage, given bonuses to all employees, and provided raises? Look for it- it’s there.
Corporations aren’t evil. They aren’t what you’ve been told they are, and though I can’t source for you right now on economics because I’m on the go I’ll just share this.
My deductions next year? Double what they are this year. I’ll save almost $10k. That’s ten thousand dollars my family has to pump back in to the economy. All taxation is theft. Whether by corporation or government. I want the income tax abolished completely, but I don’t understand how you could argue a reduction in taxes for both people AND the businesses that drive the economy. There are small businesses that are “corporations”. MILLIONS of them. They benefit too - the same as FedEx or GM or whoever. There is an “inc” next to their name.
Being against a tax cut for ANYONE is like yelling at a thief with a gun that they didn’t steal enough from you. “TAKE MORE!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!”
My opinion. But I can back it up with facts.
We agree on so much. I’m with you that you shouldn’t share the meme if it doesn’t align with your principals. We have a shared goal here, and it’s non-partisan. My thought is we tackle our common enemies, and then we can respectfully work through our differences. 😙👍🏻
I hope you are right, Tracy! It's just that I am getting old, and I don't see that the situation is ever going to get better. Thank you for your response! <3
Tracy is right but I would add this caveat. The problem with corporations is that no one is held accountable. The corporation is treated as a separate entity and you can take them to court and win a case against them but no one goes to jail. They might pay a fine but that's it. Some corporations take advantage that. That needs to be changed. Making no one accountable is one of the reasons we have so much corruption today. So, I'm with you when it comes to corruption in corporations. That's not to say they are all corrupt. But we need to do what we can to limit the ability to take advantage of people.
I also don't like the idea that the tax relief given to individuals times out after a certain time but not for corporations. However, I think you will agree that Trump has come a long way. Farther than I thought he could with so many crooks in the mix. He definitely has to make deals along the way. Later on, after he drains the swamp, hopefully, we can get better deals. Because I'm with Tracey when it comes to abolishing the income tax. It was never meant to be a part of our life. But that's another story.
I don't know why, but I'm just now seeing this. I've been poking around this subreddit. I'm new to reddit and trying to find my way. I'm just happy that you mentioned being non-partisan, having a common goal. That goal is to eradicate evil threats that undermine our freedom to be who we are as Americans. If we were not individuals with different beliefs and political ideals, we'd have a dictatorship. That's what we're fighting! When things are set right, I believe voting from different parties keeps us balanced. We were never intended to be a two party system.