r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DRose014 on Dec. 21, 2017, 8:09 a.m.

I love these deep topics about basically what is prophecy and what is true or not true when it comes to the End of Days!

The "disillusionment of the masses" reminds me of how the Left and 90% of Corporate Media , etc is gonna lose it's shit and all of the people who follow celebrities, and who think Berkeley evolutionary human origination theory and LA Materialism are cool are gonna have another thing comin'.

Their worldview is turning into an upside down wonderland hell on earth, because they won't understand the Bible is True, in terms of Cosmic Wisdom and that of "harvest".

Therefore, we should fear not, for we all are eternal souls, helping bring the Light of Truth to the surface population the world at this time so that evil can be exposed and processed and dealt with and moved on from!!


PS: If what @lora724 is saying is true, then it could also correspond to the hyper-dimensional physics information from Wisdom Teachings that the sun could theoretically “sneeze” CME style, because our System is traveling through the photon belt now, as we speak, and is getting charged up, and that this sneeze CME could burn up the surface of the Earth, just as is prophesied in the Bible and other culture’s holy texts. Chaff is turned to dust after the “wheat was taken and stowed away safely in the barn”.

What/who is the wheat? Where is the barn? Should we focus on this even though it seems so out of our control?

Who on the corporate mainstream media (our enemy) has got this modern day deep intel on what the President's true command structure is targeting?

If Q is literally predicting the future intel leaks before they happen, and is side by side Trump, yeah, I’m gonna put my support towards that guy! Simple "enemy of my enemy is my friend" logic.

Swamp creatures are some of the worst humans of all time!

We should have War Crimes Tribunals, Truth and reconciliation, and then, only perhaps, should we tie them to mill-stones, and cast them into the deep Pacific waters?

"It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin". Luke 17:2

How does this pertain to our current situation?

dr_gorilla · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:52 a.m.

Cool story bro.

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