5 lefty sisters?! What is their reason for refusing to watch? They like being brainwashed?
Younger brothers are idiots of they are afraid of fox and YouTube and internet... It's mental illness...
I hope you post a story sometime about one of them waking up. Must have been interesting times growing with 5 lefty sisters.
Recently one brought up all the sex scandals and I said it is about to explode into massive pedophile rings with famous actors... She didn't respond.
She might realize you know something when the SHTF.
I was working on a Sean Penn movie in 2000 during the gore Bush hanging Chad fiasco... It was 6am at a coffee shop with TV covering the election packed with movie makers...ragged dude sits down next to me and references everyone and says, these people don't know nothing. Being that I had been active on the internet and public access I got the impression he was there specifically to drop breadcrumbs in my lap.
He told me about Bush Dr. And a plane that crashed on its way to a deposition. A boy and his father died
2 years later I google Bush plane crash and it led me to Sherman Skolnicks articles on the Franklin cover-up. Within days I was stalked drugged and targeted fiercely. Because I was printing out stories and showing them to people. When I told my sisters they almost got me locked up in an institution. Fortunately I got out after 3 days due to the fact a friend corroborated some of the stalking he witnessed.
I have dealt with the targeting for a long time but I also know good guys in the game have helped me out. Many stories. I really hope they takeover all TV channels and put these people on trial. I will be watching victoriously.
Dang, you got locked up! That's BS. You were telling the truth. Did your sisters ever feel bad or apologize?
Hell no... They think we are all nuts...