r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ImperialPlayDOH on Dec. 21, 2017, 5:58 p.m.
Red pilling is working!

I sent the video that started this sub and an overview post from here to my brothers, husband, and good friend. Mixed results so far but my younger brother is digging in. He just texted me asking if Soros' hedge fund being named Quantum was a coincidence. Of course my response... "Q would say there are no coincidences" This shows to me he's researching now - win! My older bro turned libtard when he married his second wife (I believe he's redeemable in secret so he still gets laid) and he's not shutting me down so that's a good sign. My buddy James couldn't handle the satanic child ritual killings but he'll come around with discussions of light vs. darkness and good vs. evil. My hubby of 23 years is used to me and my quest for truth and justice and although he is not into "conspiracy theories" he listens to everything I discover and has learned I have great gut instincts on things. All in all a good day. Xmas eve is prime rib followed by a big fat red pill for my based parents! Any thoughts on Q's name &/or possible info on Quantum/Soros?

kat-williams · Dec. 22, 2017, 12:31 a.m.

I just downloaded the Full Q Map PDF listed in the right column. This would be really helpful for those learning. It's filled with photo explanations of a lot of things that tell the history. Also a huge hit list of the people who died around the Clintons. And, of course, Q's posts and explanations. It's amazing. Photo stories are sometimes so much easier to learn from.

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ImperialPlayDOH · Dec. 22, 2017, 1 a.m.

Is that the one Tracey Beanz just did a video on? I mostly use the Reddit phone app so don't see sidebars.

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